
The difference running IIS 7 on Windows Xp Or Windows Server 2008? What's the difference?

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I wanna know the difference on running IIS 7. I want to run it on Windows Xp. That is what my servers have now.. But, I wanna upgrade too. But then I don't.

Are their any differences in running IIS on Server 2008 and Windows xp?

Can I have FTP access?

Can I use domains?

Can I still have the web based control panel for controlling some of the features?

Is their any difference?





  1. the current versions of IIs on windows xp is 5.1 the version of IIS on server08 is 7.0

    windows vista and server08 have the same version - Windows Vista does not install IIS 7.0 by default, but it can be selected among the list of optionally installed components.

    5.1 supports only 10 connections and a single web site.

    7 on Vista does not limit the number of alowed connections, like IIS on XP did, but limits simultaious requests to 10. so if your only running a SMALL server xp and 5.1 is fine

    7.0, the components were modularized, so that only the required components have to be installed making the setup only as big as it needed to be. an advantage if your pressed for space.

    overall if you know how the IIS in xp works stick with that, if you are seening needing the expadability od IIS 7 then start now instead of having to change later on.

    good luck

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