
The differences between LPN and RN?

by Guest67162  |  earlier

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What are the differences and similarities between the two degrees of nursing (LPN and RN if I remember right), considering both education and on the job? Also what are some advantages and disadvantages of going for a nursing degree before going for my doctorate? I was thinking about it for a few reasons; I would have a job that would help me pay for my schooling as well as giving me some first hand experience/knowledge in the medical field. Your answers are valued thank you for your time.




  1. There are very few differences between LPN and RN. An LPN in most places will do the same work without the pay. Depending on your states Nurse Practice Act. The advantage to getting your RN would be having some medical terminology. You will learn to care for the whole person instead of just the disease. The disadvantages will put in at least two more years of school that have nothing to do with your major, while in school to be an MD you will not have time to work.  

    * The reason nurses eat their young is because of the attitude of the above answer! :P

  2. LPN are Licensed Practical Nurses. They are a step above CNA. It basically means you do the **** work in the hospital. RN's make out a little better. they are above CNA's and LPN's. Im going to school right now for RN and im going to be going to school for hospital management as well so that i can basically be the boss of the LPN's CNA's and other RN's in the ER. Schooling to be and CNA or LPN is not much at all. Usually this can be done in less than a year. the job is in major demand so you will never be out of a job, but honestlly its not what you want to do with the rest of your life. RN is the way to go! Eventually i will be making my way to PA. Once i get in with a good hospital they will be paying for me to go to school to become a PA and then will guarentee me a job at the hospital. It's easy to go back to school and get a higher degree, but if you are going to be going for your doctorate than go straight for that and dont waste anytime being an RN. =) Good luck! ohhh yea let me add that being an RN is only the better choice if you get Batchelors degree.(4 years) a crappy 2 year associates degree just wont do it! thats as worthless as being a cna!

  3. I am a LVN/LPN, I have worked in a large hospital in the Emergency

    Dept, and ICU and i did the same things as the RN's

    LVN do not get all the ^$(70 jobs, this is untrue

    but does depend on where you live. In Texas there is little difference

    I could start IV, morphine drips Chemo administration etc.

    In california I worked in a hospital on a Telemetry floor, (cardiology)

    I like you idea, first get your lvn to make sure nursing is for you

    then go on for your RN

    IF you have no doubts at all, then just go get your RN from the start

    as really the major difference is the pay.

    go to

    really good site you can fill it in as a LVN and a RN

    and see the pay difference it depends on what city and state you are in

    I make over $22.00 , my guess depending on where I work I know if I was a RN , I could make atleast $10.00 more an hour

    I am happy with my choices and have gotten every job I wanted

    and did all the fast paced exciting positions at the beginning, So

    ready for something more low key

    good luck

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