
The different between world and international organization ?

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This is the two words we can easily get confused with ? Does anyone know the core difference between them ? When do we use World and when International before the name of an organization ? Like WTO = World Trade Organization and IFAD = International Fund for Agricultural Development




  1. IFAD:  IFAD's goal is to empower poor rural women and men in developing countries to achieve higher incomes and improved food security.


    one thing... trade could be related to any factor of economy as a whole such as wages, technoology, etc etc...

    and wto is supposed to solve it all or help to solve it all while it is only mere-500 people organization..

    wto is trying to run the global trade according to comparative advantage, but political procedures are never easy to go. for example, the subsidy on agricultural products and quota/tariff on textiles from the us government is perhaps against the rules, but politicians and americans love it...

    so, what's happening in real world is high tech stuffs are exported by rich countries, but agricultural products are not really imported by those rich countries from developing countries...

    and when us and euro were controlling the meetings, until uruguay round, meetings went as they almost wished... but setting up wto by uruguay round made them lose powers by signing such agreements that made them weaker by doing "illegal" things like subsidies. this is the very reason why the doha round never ended, since developing countries were protected by the written agreement on wto and they formed alliance among each other against us and ero...

    wto's reason for existence is right, but they have to understand that trade is sensitive to almost everything in the ecnomy...

    to have a good flow in trade agreements, us and euro should give up to the agreements they signed with wto and members, or wto should become stronger... the fact that it's not strong enough compare to the us and euro makes it more problematic.

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