
The differnce between high and low english?

by Guest65991  |  earlier

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At times I can't choose which one to use.




  1. Try to remember this.

    Top English equals "Toward" something or away from you

    Bottom English equals "Back" to you

  2. High english will make the cue ball follow the object ball.  Low english will make the cue ball come back towards you.

  3. Follow or draw depends on which you need to do

  4. Well it depends on the shot and what kind of shot you prefer. High center english makes the cueball follow the object ball after hitting it. Correct bottom english draws the cueball back towards you. How much depends on how hard you hit it.

  5. If you don’t know the difference between hitting low or high on the cue ball, you shouldn’t be even thinking of applying English yet. Keep your game simple, and hit only center ball to completely study natural angles of deflection to understand exactly what the cue ball does after contacting the object ball on various cuts.

    Only after you think you have a good understanding of what the cue ball does from a center ball hit, can you begin to decide what different outcome you need on any given shot in order to decide if you need a low or high hit and/or English applied to a shot. Hitting the cue ball low will result in a draw pulling the cue ball back to you. Hitting the cue ball high will result in the cue ball rolling on away from you. Now you should do the same study by practicing to apply low and high spin on the cue ball in variable degrees (Quarter-tip,  Half-tip, Three-quarter-tip, and Full-tip etc off of center ball) to gain full understanding of what the cue ball will do after it contacts the object ball on various cuts, in each case.

    Only once you feel you really know what to expect from center, center-low and center high hits should you even think about using English. Adding English (top-left, left, bottom-left, top-right, right, bottom-right) in variable degrees of tip width will result in you learning what to expect when spinning the cue ball on either side that will modify the trajectory direction of the cue ball after contact with the object ball, on various different cuts.

    Following this self-study process will eventually teach you how to choose your shot. And there is no fast track easy way to learn this but simply by investing a lot of your time and effort in self-study of the spherical-arts in this methodical step by step process.

    Good Shooting!

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