When you let water drain down a plug hole it always rotates, with the rotation getting faster and faster. This is nothing to do with the spin of the Earth around its axis.
A simillar unexplained effect is seen with Tornadoes.
Question 1, are the two effects related and if so by examining water down a plug hole can we better understand Tornadoes?
I suspect that the effects are the same and that it is to do with the electrical charge being built up on the water molucules. It has been well known for long time that water is attracted to an electrical charge.
Maybe a Tornadoe is caused by all the moisture in the rising air rotating in the same way a water does down a plug hole.
I do think that is is due to a electromagnetic effect of either the air or the moisture in the air.
Question 2, would an Electro-Magnetic Pulse bomb destroy a Tornado? I think it might.