
The discovery of the largest known dwarf planet in our solar system was announced on this date in 2005?

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  1. Eris

    d**n thing kicked Pluto out of planethood.

  2. Ceres, but i'm probably wrong.

  3. The discovery of Eris, then known as 2003 UB313, was announced on Friday, July 29 2005 (in the USA) along with that of 2005 FY9 (now called Makemake) and also the fact that the same group had noted 2003 EL61.  The discovery was made in January 2005 when images dating back to October 2003 were re-analysed with a newer version of the group's motion detection software that allowed for better detection of slower moving objects.  When another group annouced the discovery of 2003 EL61 in July 2005 the American group hurriedly annouced their observations of the 3 objects that they had been keeping to themselves while they undertook further studies.  A controversy later arose as to whether the European group had used information available on the web relating to the as-yet unpublished observations of the American group to point their telescope and so search old data for the observations they used in announcing 2003 EL61.

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