
The dj on my radio show stutters to no end....?

by  |  earlier

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Should I call in and complain?

I hate speach impediments.

Annnnd, I mean, should someone with a speach impediment realllly be on the radio?




  1. send him a bag of marbles and tell him to put them in his mouth when he talks. it wont improve his speech, but he'll sure sound funny

  2. Well, you're right. He shouldnt be on the radio. But maybe this guy didnt have the stuttering problem till AFTER he started the show. Still, it should sent as a complaint.

  3. If you don't like it, why don't you switch the station and listen to somebody else? He must be good or he wouldn't have gotten the job.

    And it's not wise to make fun of people. God will get you, one way or the other. Maybe, in your next life YOU'LL have a speech impediment.

  4. I worked with a guy a few years ago that had an impediment and it was hard to listen to. I agree that a Jock (DJ) should not have any problems with his voice, (that's kinda why we are professionals), but everyone deserves a chance at quasi-stardom. If people tune out, it will be only a matter of time before the ratings drop and they offer him an office job.

  5. I stutter will you turn me in?

  6. It has never failed to amaze me why people with a speech impediment would apply, never mind be hired, for a job as a professional, commercial radio announcer.

    Please don't take this wrong. I am empathetic. I would never discriminate against someone with a handicap, but some things just don't make sense. This is one of them, under most circumstances.

    Could a person with tremors be a surgeon? No.

    Would a person confined to a wheelchair try out for a basketball team - maybe, if it was a team especially for those who are chair-bound.There is a difference between empathy, protecting the rights of all and common sense.


    Is it possible the station you are listening to is a non-profit? Most are FM and towards the left (lower) end of the dial. Perhaps a station sponsored by a church or educational organization? If so, having a speech-impaired announcer might be just the thing to give that person more confidence and help them improve that impediment without any loss of commerce, and, as has been pointed out, you can change channels any time you like.

    - a guy named duh

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