
The doomsday c**p???????????

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ok, so like i was on the yahoo answers and stuff, yes, i know i have no life (; but i was so annoyed about all the questions that the people have been asking about the world ending on september 10 and in 2012 and i just dont get why people come up with this stuff. i dont believe it but i see people that are so freaked out by this it is just annoying...ok so what i dont get is how people actually get the ideas for this stuff? can someone please explain why people take pleause in making other people be miserable?? yea, i know the question doesnt make sense but still, yea, oh and all of those people out there that are creeped out by that stuff, dont worry, nothing is gonna happen to you, you will live, and to all of you that keep telling the scared freaked out people that they will die, i think you should go to the mental facility, and dont start giving me any of that b.s here and telling me that i am gonna die, because i know i wont





  1. ARGH!  Eleven Question Marks!

    Was that necessary?  Really?

    Hasn't your mother explained about the question mark shortage that little kids in Africa have?

    You should feel guilty... so many Question Marks you can throw them away like that!

    Besides doesn't complaining about the Doomsday c**p, just perpetrate it?

  2. LOL.  Ah, Julia, many of us have very much the same sentiments.  But as long as people (especially kids) come here frightened about this because they consider sources like the History Channel to be legitimate, then we should have some people who are willing to set the record straight.

    You're right, it's disappointing to see how many people just revel in scaring others, (like Mattshady, above).  And they will lurk here waiting to give thumbs down to all the correct answers people give.  

    So, join us for a spot of tea -- then off to the fray!

  3. People want something to believe in is what I think it is all about. It seems goofy to believe in the end of the world. It seems like there are much better things to believe in to me. But that is what I think.

  4. Hoaxes are fueled by a common low educational level. The staggering figure is that 1 out of 4 students in America drop out of high school.

    Fueled by the lack of mental development that creates the ability to use critical judgment to analyze the truth or fiction of a statement via common sense or balanced skepticism.

    Fueled by a lazy and apathetic (and pathetic) lack of desire to conduct proper research into a statement to prove or disprove it's validity before accepting it as true.

    Fueled by a childish ignorance to websurf and gullably believe that everything written on the internet is true and factual information.

    Fueled by mental disorders such as delusion, derealization, schizophrenia, and paranoia. Whether these persons have the mental illness before or after hearing and believing in an end-of-the-world doomsday scenario.

    It is well proven statistically that persons who believe in conspiracy theories (such as faked man moon landings) display oppositional defiant disorder. They commonly mistrust all forms of authority figures. It comforts these individuals to belong to a group like themselves.

    Finally, hoaxes are fueled by individuals who need something more to make their lives seem special. An answer to the great question, "Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?" The easy answer is that I was born because I am special. God chose me to be born so that I would be here to witness the end of days. Now I finally know that my life has meaning. My life is no longer boring and I must turn to be a prophet to proclaim the end is near to my fellow brethren who haven't heard the word from us - the chosen ones.

    Why does it happen? Because it is so easy to sell and there is good money in it. VERY good money. We live in a capitalist society. You learn to make money ANY way you can. Honest or not. Morals are not always top priority when it comes to buying retirement property and the luxuries that go with it. For every sucker out there who is willing to believe that the end is near, there is a snake oil salesman to take advantage of it.

    Persons are wrapped up in 2012 and the new LHC hoax because that's what is here today. In 1999 it was Y2K. In 1982 the world was ending because of The Jupiter Effect and millions were made in books then as well. On and on it goes back for thousands of years.

    It's a defect in the human brain that wants to believe that there is more to life. Something mysterious beyond our control. How can I live and die without having my life be important? So we forget. We forget the hundreds and hundreds of past doomsday dates just like LHC and 2012 will be forgotten when the next doomsday date is set and the next generation of bookwriters and web hosts cash in on it.

    Everyone loves a scary story around the campfire or a good horror movie. The problem is... not everyone is able to seperate the fantasy from the real world. These are the few. Most people like you and I see through the veil of illusion. Then there is the other few... the ones who get dollar signs in their eyes.

    Perhaps it is because man is, and always has been, a predator. He will always set the trap. Whether it be for food... or money.

  5. I don't think any of that is true, but then again i don't know because take a look at all the things that has been predicted and has really happened. For instance the war and Katrina and also Sept. 11. But then again they had also predicted that the world was gonna end in 2000 and never did.  

  6. You make a lot of sense actually, and it is hard to understand.  It's really a sociology question.  People make up stories to explain what they don't understand.  It is really the same phenomena as religion.  Many people make up religion and 2012 stories to control others.  Consider the Christian rapture story.  It was invented in modern times and has no Biblical basis but it is widely accepted and is used as a way to control people.

  7. Actually, your question does make sense (once I sorted through your grammar and spelling).

    There are people that seem to derive some sick pleasure from coming up with stories that other people will believe.

    But both sides are to blame - the ones coming up with all these "prophecies" and tales, and the ones that believe it all without doing a bit of research of their own.

    If people just did a bit of reading of fact-based sources or learn just a bit of some basic science, they would realize all this stuff is trash.

    But its so much easier to let someone else tell us stuff than to learn anything on our own - learning or reading takes work, and who has time to learn anything when we spend all our time in chat rooms and watching silly YouTube videos?

  8. A lot of people, including a few famous scientists, are concerned that there "could" be some sort of a problem on September 10, 2008, when they start up the "Large Hadon Collider" (LHC) in Switzerland.

  9. Its funny but the idiots who prophecy a particular date are always shown to be as stupid as they are, when that date comes and goes.  T

  10. We aint gone see 09 as a matter of fact.

  11. Unfortunately, we can't throw people people in a psychiatric care unit for just being stupid, gullible, and ignorant. If that was the case, 90% of the population would be there.

    If you think one day is annoying, try visiting the astronomy and space section virtually everyday! Its insane how many questions on 2012 are asked. ZeroByte came up with a great idea... for every 2012 question we answer, we put this:

    FAQ on Astronomy and Space Odometer:

    (Updated since 9-1-08)

    2012: 12

    Apollo hoax: 1

    Alien : 7

    LHC: 9

    Idea by "ZeroByte". Put this on your answers or profile if the frequently asked questions on Y! A's astronomy and space section have you down.

    I put this under the source section for every doomsday, LHC, alien, and Apollo hoax question I answer. I've only been doing it one day, and look at what I've logged so far! Isn't that insane? 29 meaningless, ignorant, over-asked questions in a 48 hour period... and these are just the questions *I've* seen. There are probably many more asked. ZeroByte logged 16 2012 questions on last count.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do with these questions except either ignore them, or answer them. Yahoo Answers automatically categorizes them under the "Astronomy and space" section. I think there should be some sort of pinned-post by the Top Answerer (in our case, Brant) which discusses why the world won't end in 2012, and maybe then questions would die down. But people still don't look at the section before they post, or even look at the other questions asking the exact same thing.

    Many of these people are trolls... they make an account, and then ask the question multiple times. We report those as soon as we see them, and they do get removed.

    But you're welcome to join us in answering these questions about 2012... just watch for the trolls.

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