
The door of my whirlpool dishwasher is rusting at the bottom. what could be the cause and solution?

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The door of my whirlpool dishwasher is rusting at the bottom. what could be the cause and solution?




  1. it's rusting because the finish wore off and water got to it.

    You need to sand off the rust or use a good rusty metal primer if it is not too much and top coat it with a good enamel paint like Rustoleum.

    Try to find out why the finish wore off in the first place.

  2. I had a refrigerator that did this.  In my case (and maybe yours), it was rusting from the inside.  

    For a dishwasher, water could be getting into the door, and that would cause it to rust.

    There's probably no way to fix it permanently.  Try checking all seals, etc., to make sure water can't get into the door.  Use some bathtub caulking to plug any suspected holes on the inside of the door that might be allowing water entry.  Then, sand off as much rust as possible.  You can buy white appliance paint in spray cans at Home Depot or your neighborhood hardware store.  (Assuming, of course, that the dishwasher is white.)

    Once rust starts, it's almost impossible to stop, but this will help it to not look too terrible for a while.

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