
The downs syndrome test. I'm 20 weeks pregant.?

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I got the down syndrome test done about 2 to 3 weeks ago and I go to the doctor monday for my 20 week ultrasound.. If something wasn't good on my test would they call me and let me know?




  1. Yes

  2. If something is wrond they should call you, but don't be to sure.I had some kind of test done when I was about 5 months too and they didn't call me when the results said that I had a risk of having a baby with down syndrome.Then I had a 3D ultrasound done and turned out that my baby had no complications and that it did't have down syndrome!

    That was a relief!!

  3. The only time they usually call is to let you know if a test came back with a pos. result (bad positive).  I am sure they would have called you by now.

    God Bless

  4. yep.  they always tell me no news is good news.  but when you go in for the ultrasound, you can ask about the results if that will reassure you.  btw those tests have false-positive results sometimes.

  5. Yes, they will call you as soon as the results were in and if it wasn't good. The sooner you know about the results the better it is to have a plan if things aren't looking good. The doctors will advice you on what to expect if the results don't look good & support you in any decision you will like to make.

    Also, women after 35 & a family history with down syndrome or other health problems,  do have a risk of having children with down syndrome & other health problems that's why you should be honest about your age & health history with your doctor, that's what they're there for.

    So, unless you fit in any of those two categories, you shouldn't stress to much on it.

    It is normal for moms-to-be to constantly worry about their baby's health, try to do a hobby that can distract you whenever you feel anxious.

    Also, trust your instincts, if something doesn't feel right don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about it.

    There are no stupid questions, you may feel embarrass about asking them but it's better to feel silly than  to loose the opportunity to ask a question that you may feel  is stupid to ask.

    After all your baby health is should be a priority.

  6. yes they would call you if they found anything abnormal so they could have you go back in for more tests, I just had mine done yesterday and asked my doc the same question

  7. Yes, they would call and let you know if something wrong did occur.  

  8. Oh yeah! They'll give you heads up right away as soon as they found out if there's a problem. Dont' worry about it everything is gonna be alright. Congrats and Goodluck to you!!!

  9. Yes, they would have called you if the test came back positive. I got a phone call about my results in three days. I was at high risk for having a baby with Down syndrome. My doctor offered me an amniocentesis, which they recommended to have done before 20 weeks. Your doctors might not always call you about test results, unless you tested positive for something.

  10. Yes, they would call you to have more tests done right away.  

  11. They would have called you. Relax, enjoy the moment.

  12. yes they would call if anything abnormal came up

  13. they usually wait to talk in person u may be able to call the triage nurse and ask for the results then

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