
The dreaded Writer's Block!?!?

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I have the dreaded Writer's block!!! What dod i do? I've tried all of the normal things people do: change of secenary, sleep, ect. but none of them are working!!! And, I've had this for like, a month! HELP!




  1. just start writing jibberish and something will come along or watch some movies to get ideas

  2. What I always do is just don't think about it and go do something fun then after a while I start coming up with something. I don't know maybe that only works for me but its worth a try

  3. Write a poem, essay, song, or short story about writer's block!

  4.      Try developing different characters.  Go around the mall, or the supermarket.  Anywhere where there are people.  Perhaps you'll see someone who looks particularly happy.  Why's he/she so happy?  On the other hand, you may see someone shabbily dressed, looking sad and depressed.  Pretend they're sitting across from you at a table having coffee.  You ask them why they're unhappy looking.  Perhaps it's a woman.  She's just lost her son in Iraq.  Her husband can't face it, and he's left her.  Perhaps she's just found out she has cancer.  Maybe she tells you a secret.  What is it?  Something deep and dark, perhaps.  Before you know it, you have a story.  Give it a try, anyway.

    Good luck

    Mike B

  5. Whenever I have a hard time writing it's either because I have too many distractions around me or because I've gotten out of the habit of doing it on a regular basis.

    It might help if you set a schedule. When I'm working on something I write 3,000 words a day, five days a week. Stick to it even if you have to force yourself to do it, even if you hate what's coming out, even if you end up erasing or rewriting everything you've written later. You have to keep doing it. The more you do it the easier it becomes to sit down and start getting creative right away.

    And it IS work, so sometimes it sucks and it's hard and you don't feel like doing it, but you have to if it's going to be any good.

    If you still have trouble try outlining your story first so you know what you have to write about next. Again, even if you aren't happy with it, words that need editing are always better than no words at all.

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