
The drug Shrooms?

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Okay, so one of my friends does "shrooms" the drug. and i keep telling him not to but he dont listen. i tell him it could seriously hurt him but idk if he is listening to me. so what are some bad side effects. like short er long term? please help. mkay . thanksss :]




  1. The universe created shrooms...Man created alcohol...who do you trust? Too much of anything can not be good for you, and shrooms are no exception. Here is a link to some info on Shrooms

    Hope this helps you.

  2. Oral ingestion can produce nausea, vomiting and dizziness. The greatest danger from recreational use is a "bad trip" which can cause severe emotional and psychological distress. Also, extremely poisonous wild picked mushrooms can be easily mistaken for psilocybin mushrooms.

    Dangers of magic mushrooms

    Using magic mushrooms is not without dangers. You should be aware of these dangers before using them.

    Poisonous mushrooms

    If you are not an expert in identifying wild mushrooms, don't go out and try to pick magic mushrooms in the wild ". You might pick a really poisonous mushroom. Before you go hunting make sure that you are able to identify the magic mushrooms you are looking for, and that you are aware of the posionous look-al-likes.

    Eating magic mushrooms that have gone bad

    When you are growing your own magic mushrooms and the become covered with mold, DO NOT eat them. When you have bought (fresh) or picked magic mushrooms and they have gone bad (dark brown, black, moldy), DO NOT eat them. Moldy or bad mushrooms may contain poisons and harmfull bacteria, that could make you very ill.

    Bad trip

    Magic mushrooms contain psilocin and psilocybin psilocybin. These compounds are psychedelics. They will cause an effect similar to a "trip" on LSD. Loss of reality may be experienced and severe anxiety and paranoia can occur. You may experience a bad trip. The most important rule to prevent a voyage into h**l is: START WITH A LOW DOSE. See taking magic mushrooms for more advice.

    Avoid Fly agaric ( Amanita Muscaria )

    A lot of people trip on Fly Agaric and call them magic mushrooms as well. Click HERE to search Erowid for more information.

    However, don't confuse psilocybe mushrooms with Amanita Muscaria (fly agaric). There is no psilocybin nor psilocyn in Fly Agaric and we don't consider it a 'real' magic mushroom.

    The (red with white dots) Amanita Muscaria can cause a very unpleasent experience and health problems. Potential symptoms of Muscarine, an active alkaloid of Fly Agaric and other Amanita's, followed after ingestion as described by The Merck Index are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and bronchospasm. With larger doses: acrimation, incontinence, bracycardia, hypotension and shock. Ibotanic acid, also an active substance of the Amanita's may cause brain damage as described by various authors on Public Medline. Muscimole is another active alkaloid in Amanita Muscaria. Its symptoms after oral intake are described by Richard Schultzes and Albert Hofmann as confusion, disoreantation in situation and time perception, disturbance of visual function and hearing, muscle twitching, weariness, fatigue and sleep. Psychic performance and learning are diminished.

  3. The "Universe" also created lead, arsenic, strychnine, asbestos, mercury, cadmium, chromium and many other things you might not want to chug with a cold beer.

    Well according to the CDC they can cause liver and kidney failure, either of which can kill.  I've seen seizures from them, which can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs.

    Mushroom toxins        

      a. Shorter-acting toxins  2 hrs  Usually vomiting and diarrhea, other symptoms differ with toxin Clinical syndrome among persons who have eaten mushroom identified as toxic type  




    Coprinus artrementaris

    Ibotenic acid

       Confusion, visual disturbance

    Salivation, diaphoresis


    Disulfiram-like reaction

    Confusion, visual disturbance


          Demonstration of toxin in epidemiologically implicated mushroom or food containing mushroom

    b. Longer-acting toxins (e.g., Amanitaspp.) 6-24 hrs  Diarrhea and abdominal cramps for 24 hrs followed by hepatic and renal failure Clinical syndrome among persons who have eaten mushroom identified as toxic type  


          Demonstration of toxin in epidemiologically implicated mushroom or food containing mushrooms.

  4. Shrooms are not that bad. Shrooms cannot seriously hurt you unless you take WAY too many and freak out, or you take the poisonous ones. The only bad side effects of shrooms are the ones you create yourselves.. for example anxiety and nausea. Everything else is mental and can be controlled by the right mind.
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