
The duty of all within a nursery 2 safeguard children, including the difficulties in situations where your?

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The duty of all within a nursery 2 safeguard children, including the difficulties in situations where your?




  1. What is your question?

  2. Keeping healthy and staying safe are the most important duties of all practitioners responsible for the care of children. I am not sure of the question you are asking, so maybe you could add more details!?

  3. -Legal duty: to keep children safe and away from harm.

    -role: to spot any signs of possible abuse, to promote positive activities for prevention (eg: learning to say no, learning to trust adults in setting), teach bodilyawareness eg: naming body parts, understanding private areas, places not to touch etc.

    -to keep paperowrk uptodate eg: achievement records to see if child suddenly becomes withdrawn, or starts to become delayed (is a sign of abuse) also to keep records of absences, things child may have said that worries you, paperwork of marks or bruises for use in court.

    -keep uptodate in training and review policy regularly to ensure best practice.

    -to maintain confidentuality and never judge anyone!

    -To report NOT to investigate----it is the police and social cares job to investigate we can just s***w things up in legal terms!!!

    Difficult situations-I'm not allowed to go in detail but I've had instances such as:

    -child who disclosed information and i had to write it down and contact social care services and there was concern for safety and well-being.

    -child already known to social care services stopped turning up and we couldnt get hold of them by phone so we had to call social care to report this.

    otherwise i really cant talk about-sorry!

  4. If you are asking what the responsibilities are regarding safeguarding the children, that is a major responsibility and high priority on the "duty" list.  It's you job to protect the children from accidents, killing each other, biting, hair pulling, grabbing toys, eating toys and then there is feeding time and bathroom time, or diaper changing.

    It's a huge responsibility in any nursery school.

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