
The earliest stage of human progression required the presence of air, then water and next land. Now all three?

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Since air nurtured the early sea and land life and is still an essential for all further levels of human progress; pollutting it is not only shortsighted but dangerously insane, and unless measures are taken by EVERYONE to ensure it remains clean. a massive extinction-already happening to other terrestrial species- is very probable.. The 'everyone' however need include other occupants of the space cradling the essential atmospheric layers. There has been no evolution anywhere apart from space and ALL it contains.. Space is a vast ubiquitus reservoir and its contents need be further 'tapped';and since such integrals include far more than energy -even as is the case in all kingdoms of the sea and land-. we need be wlling to relate to and even embrace all there. Further evolution is thereby possible.This though does not necessitate further polluting of space with rocket launches, for more clean ways of generating energy and producing effects have been shown many times during recent deca




  1. You made a good point.  I think you answered your own question.  I do agree.  Our greed and love of money and power will kill us if all else fails to.  Bigger house, faster car, better climate control (indoors), and bigger farms and deforestation.  It is inevitable we are ruining the world.

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