
The earth changing?

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I have seen alot of discusions about us running out of food, climate changes etc and nobody has any hope of any humans still being alive in 100 years time, that we would have all died out.

Is this really true or will we just learn to adapt?

i mean do you think people alive 300 years ago for example could have possibly thought the same, and they couldnt imagine life as we know it today so they thought the everyone would be dead 100 years from when they were alive, but then people adapt and here we are still here today?

You grab someone from 100s of years ago and bring them into today they would probably die with the way the world is today cause there not used to it, so maybe a child born in 50 years time when the earth is warmer will be absolutely fine because they were born into that kind of climate so can live in it normaly?

and as for running out of food, do you think there is no way at all that we cant adapt and find different ways of growing/storing/producing etc?




  1. climate change is a fundamental part of how our planet works, it has been happening ever since we have had an atmosphere and will continue as long as we have one. The  history of life shows us that environments change, species adapt or die out, and that goes for humans too.

    Despite Al Gore's hysterical propaganda, the only unprecedented thing that is happening is the exponential growth in the human population.

    1800  1 Bn

    1900  1.5 Bn

    1960   3.0Bn

    2000   6.0Bn

    2006   6.7Bn

    In the study of population dynamics there are three recognised factors that control populations



    Predation (war and crime are the human equivalent)

    If we don't find an equitable political solution to population control, these natural factors will do it for us.

    In any case the planet will survive, but with a smaller human population

  2. Humans will survive a while longer i suspect, for one thing its not all doom and gloom, that is much made up by sensationalist media. Plus if the worse were to happen hopefully we would truly conquered space by then, so there is always hope.

  3. read the Holy Quran and it will answer all your questions

    hope this helps!

  4. Your picking a very debatable topic to talk about lol,

    but in my opinion, the earth is always changing, every day it changes... and all the global warming is a bit iffy to me, i do believe humans have an impact on the environment, but probably not large enough of an impact to end the world.

    As for global warming and how everything has changed, when we have a heat wave or extremely hot day, the weather man will say, "We havent had a day this hot for 50 years" or whatever, which tells me that the climate is the same now as it was 50 years ago. Its a very slow process for the earth to heat up completely, or cool down, one that would take thousands of years, not a couple of decades.

    Humans could survive as early as 10,000BC (about 12,000 yrs ago) when everything was very cold and much different than it is today, which tells me that we have evolved to live in the climate which exists today.

    I definately believe that a person from 100, even 1000 years ago could survive in our climate as they had ways of make themselves warm and cooling themselves off that we dont use. However, if the tables were turned and we had to go back 100 years or 1000 years, im sure we would struggle as we depend so heavily on technology nowadays (heaters, air cons).

    I think if we keep going (technology wise), fruit and veggies wont come from trees in 100 years. However, i am sure that if we dont start conserving the fish that live in our oceans we will have some serious issues to deal with.

    Im sure that whatever happens, we will cope, we are the smartest animals, and crocodiles etc have survived since the dinosaurs, so im sure that we can be around for that long too.

  5. The climate change is garbage . To calculate the average temperature they used old temperature records . That old of thermometers were not precisely calibrated. This makes the data bad. The old saying garbage in and U get garbage out...

  6. I'm actually taking a world issues class (I'm in class right now).

    The world is changing(for the worst) and it's true that the world has change before and humanity has adapted, the difference with the change that is happening now is the rate that it is happening. The world had time to adapt, we wont have anytime.

    The only way we can avoid serious problems is to start making a change. You don't personally  have to make change on a large scale, taking responsibility for yourself is a good step. There are many things you can do from getting a green home, driving less(riding bikes, public transit, etc. more), plugging out your TV rather than just closing it when you are done with it.(When  you simply close your TV it isn't actually shutting the TV off, it is just on standby mode therefor it is still taking using energy.) Basically try cut down your carbon footprint.

    Hope that answered your question.

  7. There have always been doom sayers, right from the start. We will adapt. The only problem I see is that we must quit having population grows as we have had since the second world war.We animals must have war , disease, death, to control that growth because we ourselves won't do it. We build cities on the best food growing lands. It all comes down to money and power.

    Check out how other animals control their population levels. I spent a lot of time in the bush and see that other species  have systems that   better control their levels. Humans mate for enjoyment and creation. Other animals mate only for   creation.  Naturally, the more important factors of pop. control are availibility of food and housing. We have a lot to learn, relearn, and remembering the basics.

  8. The earth as being changing from the day it was first formed, species have been dying and others have been created, humans are just part of the cycle.

    Don't loose any sleep about it humans will last your and many more life times before we are extinct but be sure, we will be, in time.

    That's the way of things.

  9. Well the fact is humans have been adapting for a few thousand year's from the day's of prehistoric man Chro- magnom man to today's evolved species of homo-saphons

    they have gone through drastic amount's of adaption.

    Take for instance if like you were saying if you brought a human from 100 year's ago to today's time he would have as much chances of living as if you brought a native human from South American rain forests here they wouldn't have been inoculated from viruses and diseases so the chances are great that they would die. As for the food situation they have already developed way's to grow many food's in-doors hydroponically you can find them in local food store's But for the potential for humans to adapt is great and the fact's are that eventually we will all die just another failed experiment like the dinosaurs and they were around for million's of year's right so we still have a long way to go even in the threat of a nuclear holocaust I am sure individual spot's of humans would adapt.

  10. the earth is changing

  11. Yes the earth has been changing every since the first particle of space dust banged into the second and so on.....

    Climate change is natural dont panic its as old as the earth.

    The day you were born the only certainty you have about life is that some day you will die. Just make sure you have a good time in between and not get brain washed by propaganda.

  12. You are absolutely correct in your assumptions that both humans will physically adapt over time and they will also change technologies to to cope too. By the time fossil fuels run-out there will be alternatives in place - the technology is there already its just the economics development time  and vested interests of existing markets that are holding it back.

  13. Yes absolutely correct....Everyone can ADAPT if and only if he/she is willing to do it......As the quotation goes,"if there's a will, there's a way"....Everything can be possible if each and everyone possesses this character..,

  14. Yeh... I do think people will die in the process but others will adapt. Im pissed off with the scientists coming up with things like GE instead of focusing on ways to make us face the worst. Also, the greedy oil companies that would rather have money now and risk the end of the world. Ah well... I try not to think about it :P we'll think of it when the time comes I guess :)

  15. the earth will be here, and so will people. technology has come a long way, and im sure there is much that the government knows, but that we are not aware of.  legislation and order of the world will change "accordingly" with the changes of the earth, and yes, life will be different than that of today.  we can only imagine what obstacles the earth has in store for us and its up to today's great minds to prepare for these types of occurences.
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