
The earth is fighting back.....?

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I feel the earth is a live and we are abuseing it we are taking advantage of a planet that is very much alive this planet can take care of it self we dont appreciate this planet we call earth and I feel this earth has had enough of us abusing it and i feel the earth is fighting back with tornadoes earthquake volcanoes. the earth grow plantes to beautifile itself like flower and the earth welcome us to live here the earth produce food for us to eat and we dont even appreciate it . the earth produce rain to grow food we dont appreciate it. I feel the rain drops that fall upon this planet we call earth are tears because this planet is so tired of us taking the advantage of it .and this planet has had enought. question when you pull a flower are food that grow from the ground have you ever stop to think you migh be hurting this planet .it might feel like pulling the hair from your skin some time we just dont stop and think it's all about poetry the earth is alive




  1. HERETIC!  All that is done by the Olympian gods!  Better stop now.. you're pissing Zeus off!

    If the planet really is alive.. humanity is so insignificant to it that it simply wouldn't care.

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  3. These things may be true in a poetic or metaphoric sense, but not in a literal or scientific sense.

    Even proponents of Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, who view the whole ecosphere as having homeostatic mechanisms much ilke the ones of a single organism, wouldn't try to argue that the Earth is somehow conscious of what we are doing and fighting back.  There have always been earthquakes, rain, hurricanes, etc. long before humans even lived on Earth.

    It is true that our activities are going to worsen some of these things, like hurricanes, but these effects have physical explanations.  Earth is so big and complex and life-giving that we feel tempted to treat it as something like a demigod (an attitude that might actually cure our environmental ills, at the expense of understanding), but it is ultimately a place.  A place of many complex interconnected systems, but a place nonetheless.  And since that place is our only home, you are right - we had best realize the importance and consequences to what we do in it.

  4. The creatures which live on this planet did not come about by chance, but through an evolutionary process which by our human standards took millions or at least hundreds of thousands of years. Humans were some of the last creatures to have appeared on the scene, and unfortunately, also the most destructive. We may also be the first to disappear, but the planet as a whole will continue to regenerate itself for as long as the sun continues to radiate its energy down to it. The fate of planet Earth is linked more to the sun than to the creatures which inhabit it. If we as humans want to live on it long enough, we must learn to observe and respect its basic rules.

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