
The earth might end in 2020

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astronomers supposely say that a asteroid might come so close to the earth it will be visible to the naked eye and there are chances for it of hitting is this true?




  1. 2012...

  2. i haven't found anything about the end of the world, but NASA has been noted to say that "the cost to find at least 90 percent of the 20,000 potentially hazardous asteroids and comets by 2020 would be about $1 billion"

  3. (99942) Apophis will be visible to the naked eye during it's pass at a distance of approximately 38,000 km (+/- about 1000 km at present) on Friday, April 13, 2029.

    There is still a remote chance (current estimate 1 in 45,000) that it could strike the Earth in 2036 but it will most likely not be anywhere near Earth then, probably some 30 to 50 million km away.  Eventually our data will be precise enough to know for sure.

  4. sorry, no end in sight.

    there is an asteroid 99942 Apophis which will come pretty close in 2029, but its gonna miss.

    there's another in 2027 too

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