
The earth moves around the sun in june and fastest in january.when is the earth farthest from the sun?explain?

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  1. I think the question should refer to earth's motion being <slowest> in June and fastest in January. Since the total (potential + kinetic) energy of an orbit is constant, the greatest potential energy (distance from the sun) occurs when kinetic energy (speed) is least. Thus, given the conditions cited in the question, earth is farthest from the sun in June. Actually for 2008 this occurred July 4 (ref.). January and July makes more sense than January and June, since perihelion and aphelion are at opposite points of the orbit, with 6 months separation.

    A minor correction to Mike T's answer: VR is constant only when V is perpendicular to R. However this is the situation at perihelion and aphelion, so the statement is correct in the current context.

  2. Orbit of earth around the sun.

    Fastest in January

    Slowest in June.

    The earth will be at its closest in January and farthest in June.

    If the velocity of the earth in its orbit is V and the distance between the center of the earth and the center of the sun is R, then VR is constant. See Kepler's Law. So when V is a maximum R is a minimum and vicer versa. This would be easier to explain with a drawing.

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