
The economy was great after Republicans took over Congress in '94 and tanked after Dems took office on '06?

by Guest32030  |  earlier

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Do Democrats not understand how our government works and that Congress is the legislative branch? Even before they took power they blocked Social Security Reform, Immigration Reform (they wanted total amnesty), and tax reform.




  1. you got things backwards.

  2. not only don't democrats understand how govt. works, most people don't as well. that's what makes it so easy to blame a republican pres. for all of our woes. most people are democrats and if the pres. is republican he's fair game for them. problem is, their solutions don't make a lot of sense and haven't for the most part worked in the past. the republicans aren't blameless in all of this either, they abused their power, expanded spending, etc. when they finally did get control. this congress however is a total mess. lowest approval rating in history and from all indications are going to gain seats in both houses. what are people thinking? that's an absolutely idiotic notion. to reward them with more seats when they've nothing to deserve that faith or trust from we the people is like locking the barn after the horse is stolen. if that happens and we also elect obama pres. it's going to be "katie bar the door."  

  3. I've been wondering the same thing.  I think the problem is that the democrats guide their actions by emotion.  They do what feels right not what is right.  Many of their ideas work only in theory, not in the real world.  But they have a republican president to blame things on right now,  so it's ok.

  4. First of all the government does not control the economy nor has it ever done or will ever do.

    The economic problems today were caused greedy bankers taking risky mortgages with people who realistically could not afford to pay.

    Oil/Food prices are high because American people let American companies invest in third world nations such as China now Chinese people are richer and can afford food and oil so we have to pay more to ensure our supply.

    If the government interfered STUPID Americans would have screamed COMMUNISM!!

    So you had this coming and have got only yourself to blame. Or you may be young so you can blame the last generation of people like I am doing.  

  5. yes---all you said is true-----proof once again that the democrat party does not really stand for the working families now like the party did a few decades ago-----they have been hijacked by greedy arrogant self-serving leaders such as we see in Reid and Pelosi.

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