
The effect of the smoking ban in france?

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Has it made a difference do you think? what else could be done to get rid of smoking in france?




  1. the only result is people smoke in the streets.

    when will you people stop thinking thet smoking is the cause

    of all sicknesses in the world?

  2. Banning smoking and  effectively banning smoking are two different things and frankly, I hope they never manage to effectively ban smoking in Paris.

    Let there be one place on Earth that isn't dominated by health food advocates, clean living vegetarians, Birkenstock wearing busybodies and prigs.

    Let there be someplace for people who think cream and butter are good things and for smoke filled jazz joints where anarchy and individuality still prevail over boring, self absorbed,  group think whiners.

    I've never met an anti-smoking zealot who wasn't an utter drag.


  3. Just got back from France there does not seem to be a problem.

    Smoking is banned in places where you eat. A full ban comes in soon.

  4. Just wanted to precise that smoking is still allowed in restaurants and bars, it is only banned from such public places as: airports, train stations, work places, schools and etc. There are certain restaurants that have decided to personally ban smoking from their establishments, but I certainly have yet to see the same ban in bars / clubs.

    The French still seem to smoke as much as they have before, they just now smoke outside. The result is there are a lot more cigarette butts on the ground than before, since the businesses force their workers to go out but don't bother putting ashtrays by the enterance.

    Apparently starting February 1st, 2008 smoking will also be banned from  restaurants and bars, however, I personally doubt that this law will be followed to the letter.

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