
The effects cause of Roth v. United States 1957 decision?

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first what was the deision of the case?

what effet did the decision make?

and maybe more info on it too please




  1. Roth was convicted of mailing obscene materials.  He fought his conviction saying the materials were protected under the first amendment (freedom of speech).  The supreme court ruled against him 6-3, saying that obscenity was not protected by the constitution, and defining obscenity as material whose "dominant theme taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest" to the "average person, applying contemporary community standards."  The Roth decision along with a companion case (Albert v. California) is where we get the concept of obscenity being “utterly without redeeming social importance”

    Significance: Prior to this ruling, obscenity was judged on how it might influence the most susceptible individuals, after this it was based on "community standards."

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