
The electrical sockets above the garage aren't working but the lights are. What could be the problem?

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the electrical sockets haven't ever worked up there since we moved there a year ago. the lights have always worked though.




  1. The lights could be on a different circuit and the breaker for your outlets is tripped.

    The electrical sockets could be not wired or wired incorrectly. You can buy a circuit breaker finder and socket tester from Sears for $30.  

  2. Ceiling plugs do not have to be gfci protected as they are not readily accessible.  They may be switched.  Maybe the switch has gone bad.

  3. Clearly your outlets are on a different circuit than the lights and you need to track down why that circuit is off.  Since it is a garage, my first suspect would be that the dead outlets are wired downstream from a GFI (Ground Fault Interupter).  Look on all walls interior and exterior for one of those "different looking" outlets -- usually with two little rectangular buttons on the front.  When you find one, push the "test" button, then the "reset" button.  That may resolve the issue.  (But remember that a garage may have more than one GFI so be thorough in your search.)

    If that doesn't resolve the issue, revisit the electrical panel.  Go down the panel firmly pushing each breaker toward the On position with your finger.  The breaker switch should not move.  If you find one that moves the slightest bit, switch it firmly Off, then firmly On.  -- Many people don't realize that when a breaker "pops off",  it is not enough to merely move it to the On position; it must be shut firmly Off, and then On again to be reset.

    If neither of these initiatives work, I would have to suspect that the outlets have been incorrectly wired by a previous owner.  Tracking down that problem is beyond what can be described on Yahoo.

  4. check your breaker box for tripped breakers, if not that check to see if you have a gfci on that circuit and reset it.

  5. Are they wired? Could be the cable was run but a breaker or fuse for that circuit was never installed! Does the wiring run to a different box before the distribution panel? Could be a bad connection there! Good luck and BE CAREFUL! ;-)=

  6. First, how old is the structure?  The current code is that the outlets must have a GFI, in a garage.  If you meet code, check the supply panel to see if you had a ground fault, and reset the GFCI.  If there is not a GFI in the circuit, one should be installed by a qualified electrician.  Trace and find which circuit breaker contols the outlets.  A tracer, or just plug in an appliance.  Check for an open circuit.  If it is an older structure you could have broken wires (a fire hazard), or cracked insulation.  For your personal safety, you should maybe consult an electrician and have him do a safety inspection.  Older wiring can become brittle, short, have been overloaded at one time,...

    be SAFE.

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