
The emprical formula of a compound is CH2O...?

by  |  earlier

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the emprical formula of a compound is CH2O. The molar mass of the compound is 100g. What is the molecular formula for this compound? (molar masses: C= 12 g; H= 1.0 g; O= 16 g

a. C4H8O4

b. C6H12O

c. CH2O

d. C2H4O2




  1. The molar mass of the empirical formula is 30 g/mole. You still have to keep small whole ratios in multiples, so in 100 grams its impossible to achieve this. Closest is 90. so the "best" formula is C3H6O3.

  2. I think the options r nt corect. If i have to choose ne 1 then it wud b C6H12O. As only it has the molar mass of 100

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