
The end of my p***s is very red, how do i make it go back to normal?

by  |  earlier

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over the past months i have noticed the end of my p***s (the meatus) has become very red. is this due to over-masturbation? as i m********e quite regularly. I'm too embarrassed to go and see a doctor, are there any cures i can do on my own? if i stop masturbating will the redness disappear?




  1. I had something similar to this when I was about 6-7 years old. I told my Mum and she understood and we went to the doctor. I was prescribed a cream to be applied three times a day to the f******n at the tip of the p***s. It took it away rather quickly. I suggest, go to the doctor!

  2. First off ur a sicko for asking about this but it's normal for guys to m********e anyways it could be an infection like a yeast infection guys get that too you know not only women but you should but some aloe vera on it to calm the redness it helps good luck and don't play with urself too much. (*_^)

  3. Ask your mum to kiss it better!

  4. Paint it skin-colour.

  5. ease up on the maturbation no need to stop just be gentle use lube if your using lube change it it could be that that's causing this

  6. Before I'd even read the description, I would've suggested to lay off the 'personal time', if it is REALLY red, ring the doctor and ask to see a male doctor, they've seen more of them than a p**n star, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed and they'll obviously keep it strictly confidential. I had a similar problem a couple of years ago, went to the doctor and it was all fine.

  7. If you carry on masturbating you will go blind and then you won't be able to see it any more.

    Seriously, you may have thrush.  Google it for details.

  8. is it red after you m********e? if it is, then it's normal. when you stroke, you are pulling all the blood to the head of your p***s.

  9. Hit it with a hammer


    Use lube dude

    : )

  10. I would just go to the doctor man. It would be more embarrasing if something worse comes of this and it becomes an emergency. And you never know, the doctors might actually come across this a lot. It doesn't sound normal to me.

  11. wash it with a mild soap and make sure the glans are fully cleaned then dust the portion with an anti-biotic powder. Clear the area so that ventilation is sufficient. Masturbation to be avoided or any sort of abrasive action for that matter please.

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