
The end of the world as we know it?

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and I certainly don't feel fine

1: The bees are disappearing, as are many other species of insect. We don't know why - pollution, pesticides, climate change etc? But without them many plants will not be properly fertilised.

2: In a few years many frogs and toads (possibly all types of amphibian) will be extinct in the wild due to some kind of lethal fungal infection that is spreading across the world.

3: Due to the world getting warmer areas that are home to malarial mosquitoes are rapidly growing.

4: 1 in 6 couples need help to have a baby and many health problems such as serious allergies, diabetes asthma etc are on the rise.

What are your views on this?




  1. Yes, it is the end of the world, there is already a doomsday vault full of seeds, that will last 2000 years,whoooo.

  2. 1 - i am betting it is pesticides - we are killing the very creatures fertilising our crops for us

    2 i guess they will have to be taken into captivity in a kind of amphibian noahs ark until the whole thing goes away.

    3 better break out those pills and mosquito nets

    4 personally that is the de-evolution of the human race and the world would probably do better with less humans on it anyway

    you maybe forgot global warming and its effects?

  3. Your live belongs to You! And to no one else!

    Take Control of Your Life!

    Has any one ever wondered why this World is in such a bad state?

    Why every one works and works so hard and the majority of people have good intentions,

    yet it seems to get worse and worse by the day?

    Of course you have!

    But whatever you do, nothing is going to change.

    Isn’t that frustrating?

    Of course it is.

    Frustration creates unhappiness.

    Unhappiness creates Anger.

    Anger turns into Violence.

    And when Violence becomes the ruler,

    the intelligent and sensitive people of this world have no chance of ever achieving something

    without prostituting themselves.

    But it is these people, observing and feeling, thinking and creating.

    It is these people who raise the common consciousness.

    The overall awareness of our society.

    So why aren’t we allowed to progress in a natural way?

    Why are we thrown into wars that no one wants?

    Why are we made to pay for Land that in reality belongs to only the people from this planet and not the chosen few?

    Why are we dumbed down and mislead?

    Why do our children spent so much time in school where they are filled up with c**p and idiocy lies and stupid concepts?

    Why do we accept that our children are thrown into prostitution?

    Why do we accept that our children are taken before they lived and thrown and killed in wars?

    Why do we give away our lives, our land and our future?

    The answer is simple and shocking, in fact so shocking that most people chose to believe the lies instead of trying to think for themselves.

    Eden was Earth before the JWs arived.

    It was a peaceful prospeous Planet.

    h**l is what the JWs want to make out of this place, hence the Order of the Illuminati ==> The ones to set the World on Fire.

    And don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with religion.

    There are 13 Bloodlines who interbreed with each other.

    Interbreed means brother marrys sister, mother marries son.

    Isn't that a sin by all religious standards?

    And they can all be genetically traced back to 4 females in egypt 14.400 years ago.

    They call themselfs the Illuminati and they are the Royal Bloodlines.

    They created Religion which is controlled by the "Freemasons".

    The Freemasons are the "Brotherhood of Death" and they try to Install a Deathwish into society.

    They want to die and they want to take us all with them.

    Now they have a new Weapon.

    This Weapon is called H.A.A.R.P. and it is located in Alaska.

    What they do is they sent a Watt Microwave into the Ionosphere which then bounces back and can create earthquakes storms and can burn us all.

    It is based on Nikola Tesla's patent.

    The earthquake in china/sichuan was created by them because strange unseen phenomenon were recordet just before the earthquake happened.

    You can all research it and I would be happy if you do.

    People need to get educated A.S.A.P. becaus knowledge is power and the "Freemasons" want you to be stupid.

    That's why they call us "Profane Goyim" or sheep/cattle to the slaughter.

    What happens is this.

    The Jews landet on this planet 14.400 years ago.

    They come from a race called the Annunaki.

    They created Religion and hide themself and their knowledge in the Occult.

    The Freemasons and the Wicca are the Occult and every "Magic" Ritual is spoken in Hebrew.

    Research history and you find that every War is started by Jews/Freemasons and was sponsored by Jews i.e. the Rotschild and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Kuehn & Loeb.

    Devide and Conqer.

    Divide the World into Nations and Religion and thus confuse the "Gentiles","Goyim","Profane", that are there names for us!

    Fuel Nationalism and Ignorance and make sure that every leader comes from a secret society and thus answers to the Rotschilds.

    Control Money, Religion and Leadership.

    Create poverty and fuel hatred.

    Channel this hatred like in Germany against the Jews.

    Make Wars and kill them all.

    The Word "Holocaust" actually means "To sacrifice a child".

    And that is what war really is, it is the death of children who are young and strong and thus a threat to them.

    All the weapons manufacturers are Jewish owned and staffed.

    Thus the Jews create one "Holocaust" after another.

    The ones who survive will obey everything they say.

    They will be happy Slaves or consumers and workers as they say.

    On December 21 2012 there will be a major problem.

    All Planets of our Solarsystem will align to the center of the Universe.

    That also means that all gravitational forces wil align and push into one direction.

    That means earthquakes and floods.

    Also our world will be in Darkness for 21 days.

    We have Time to prepare for it but Bush who is a Rotschild and a Jew and Britain and Israel want to create WWIII so that we can not prepare and so that we all die.

    Needless to say that they prepared well for this.

    They will be save when we will be dead.

    This is the Truth and you can choose to be Ignorant or you can choose to RISE up.

    Do NOT beleive me.

    Do your own research, you will find the same as I did.

  4. we are all gonna die ;]

  5. Past civilizations have become extinct as we will some day. It just keeps going in a circle until we find another planet that can sustain life, which probably won't be in our lifetime just like the cancer cure.

  6. i think people are being ridiculous i mean look the world wont end because of that well not in the next 5 or 6 decades or so but people do really need to start thinking about the future adn realy think things through like 1 in 6 couples need help wwell if the population grew that problem could increase to and whast to say everybody will end up with a problem to do with carelessness of the world ?

  7. It's called life.

    You've got about 70 years on this planet and then you're gone for good. Why not just have a good time and enjoy yourself than obsess yourself with things over which you can never have any control over?

  8. my reviews are that i cant believe that when the world gave them straightforward info,, right under their noses, they were like, oh well.. and now people who ARE concerned about the environment are having a hard time trying to get people to RECYCLE!!!!

    i think the world should have gone in crisis when that happened, cuz were killing the earth in about a milllion wayz.. ok .. mayb a million and one if u cpount people stabbing it.. anywayz.. ridiculous people dont even care about the environment.. i just wish it would affect them instead of theyr grandkiddz



  11. On average the world has been 2-5 degrees warmer for the rest of it's life giving history.

    Rising sea levels create swamps and coastal shallows, both of which are perfect places for life to live.

    Our planet has survived Ice ages that had ice less than 50k from the equator, Meteor impacts that killed 99% of life on earth. Volcanic eruptions that laced  our atmosphere with toxic gas. Nothing we can do is going to destroy our world. The worst that is going to happen is that we wipe ourselves out, and quite frankly, since we are the once destroying the environement, the world might be better off without us. Also, if we end up doing it to ourselves, don't we really deserve it then?...

  12. Well one thing I do know for certain fact is that we are born to die so there you go the end is nigh and near for those who die. Life is a span so do not dwell to much pon it enjoy it while it lasts

  13. If you would like to read another depressing little t*t-bit, take a little look here....

  14. Dont worry about it. We're not supposed to know when the world is going to end. Therefor, this is not going to end the world.

  15. Shouldn't worry nature will take care of everything

  16. Where are you sources to back up your claims?

  17. BEES aren't disappearing.. only DOMESTIC bees.. the wild ones seem to be doing quite well

    when/if amphibians die.. it will leave a hole in the food chain.. in their absence another predator of insects will have more room to expand.. it is the natural order of things.

    actually malaria insects are expanding more due to mankind rearranging landscape and irrigating leaving standing water then anything else.. besides there are SEVERAL promising cures for malaria on the horizon

    doesn't really bother me at all... as i think the world has to many kids already.. we need to slow down a bit on population growth till we can start a new method of increasing food.

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