
The engine flying scotsman was renumbered in 1935 what was the number?

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The engine flying scotsman was renumbered in 1935 what was the number?




  1. Crikey thats a hard one.

  2. When The Railways Where Nationalised in 1948,  it was Re-Numbered to: 60103.............

  3. In 1924 the LNER were invited to display a locomotive at the British Empire Exhibition. No 1472 was awaiting repairs, so was re-numbered 4472 under the new LNER numbering scheme, named Flying Scotsman, and placed before an adoring public. T

  4. 1472 was the original number when built at doncaster for the North Eastern  Railway in 1923, its was renumbered 4472 when its ownership transfered to the London North Eastern Railway later in 1923, in 1948 when ownership transfered again this time to British Railways it was renumbered 60103.

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