
The environment and the future generations?

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Do we have a moral right to correct the global warming issue by trying to avert climate changes, to ensure we leave a safer and pleasant environment, for the benefit of our future generation, or should we just leave it as it is, and let them solve the various problem we create.




  1. We are the generation whose parents and grandparents left it up to to solve the world's problems after their decades of misuse. Unbeknown to them, they have left us with a world full of too much CO2, endangered species, and melting ice caps. To keep shoving off problems to future generations has to stop with us, otherwise the earth will not survive the next century.

  2. Anyone egotistical enough to think he is capable of causing global warming certainly has a moral right and responsibility to correct it.

  3. Anyone irresponsible enough to believe they should leave the problems they create to their children to fix ... should be "fixed" themselves.

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