
The epic question is finally asked....Mac or Pc?

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and if you can name a specific computer, that would be great. trying to get some ideas.




  1. If someone gave me the choice between a free Mac or a free PC I would choose PC.

  2. I am speaking from experience when I say this...I own very high end pcs in my home ( built very high end custom pc's) use to be the proud owner of a macbook pro (duo core) and have built more than a hundred pc for 2 separate schools ( overseas)

    I know I am going to sound like a pc enthusiast but mac are ok if you do not need to do much work at fact they are actually sub par. The reason mac is so popular is because of there retro/easy interface. what people do not tell you is that there number on is a learning curve, 2 even though people complained when vista first came out (do not let the commercials fool you mac is really not as easy as vista new interface.) Mac claims that there pc are virus free which is semi true. Vista has not that many viruses (actually none that I know of off hand) VISTA 64 BIT has none just like mac!

    People especially college students are infatuated with mac because they are retro and are lightweight and they are very simple pcs.  But they are not even close to the best. most macs that run from 1000 to 1500 really are equivalent to a low end 400 dollar pc (ex as much as people bash on acer they make great pc and they are clocked higher as well as well as have better processors at 400 than a macbook at 1500...if you do not believe me look it up). A perfect example is if you compare 2 laptops a macbook pro against a hp dv6000 ( even though I am not a fan of hp the one is like 6 to 700 dollars and blows any macbook from 1000 to 1900 dollars.)

    this is the same thing with the Iphone too. They are smartphones for people who have never used a smart phone before (very young people and the 40+ crowd). They do not even have blue tooth, not to mention that most phones from the last year have been on 3g for a while (again if you do not believe me the helio ocean even some basic Verizon phones have been on 3g without the ridiculous fees for data usage. The first iphone that came out was definitely on an antique data server as well as 2gen call coverage server (this is actual fact not opinion).

    Steve jobs knows how to market...these computers are good for much older people like 40+ but I would not recommend them for anyone under the age of 40...especially if you are a professional. the software especially on pcs for graphic design and other programs are much better on pc....(the best on a linux running pc for programming).

    To be quite honest whatever apple makes there will always be a better pc for cheaper with better features and half or close to half the price.

  3. if you want to do all the things on a computer, then buy a pc, if you want to do all the things except play games on a computer, get a mac.

  4. "finally asked"?  This is finally your first day on Yahoo answers, but the question is hardly a new one.  I've seen the question before, but it's typically been worded better.  Others who have asked it have been more specific about their priorities - long lasting, light and portable, reliable, cheap, long battery life, gaming and other graphics stuff and great products support.

    Everybody is trying to get some ideas, but that usually requires that you have some yourself.  Personally, I'm holding out for the Lenovo R500 Thinkpad - just below $900, it's got a 15" screen and th enew GMA X4500 integrated graphics.  I could be wrong, but it's just an idea.

  5. definetley get a mac...

    i suggest the macbook air...its so small but it works great

  6. Are you trying to re-start the religious wars of the 1990's?  This was the cause of many flame messages.  Get what suits your needs.  Macs are more reliable and easier to use, but lots more expensive.  There is more software for PCs  software is easier to find, but they break down all the time and if you  ever use it to connecct to the internet, you WILL get viruses.

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