
The families lewis and adams from wales to va. how are they comsidered Afn?

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The families lewis and adams from wales to va. how are they comsidered Afn?




  1. I think you might be making the common mistake that  confuses SURNAMES with ancestry or families.  That is probably the number one urban legend around here.

    People with the same last name are NOT always related. Meaning... if a name "originated" in Wales, that has nothing at all to do with the actual ancestors of a person with that name.

    This is especially true for any African American family.. in general, slaves who were transported from Africa, did not have any last name, until after the Civil War.  At that time, they adopted a name for their family. Sometimes (not always) it would be from the former owner.

    That does not even mean that all Adams families were slave owners or even remotely connected, even to others with the name Adams.

    Disconnect the idea of where your ancestry comes from, from where names are said to come from.

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