
The father is a complete jerkface!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20 weeks pregnant and pretty d**n positive the baby is his... He broke up with me 2 weeks ago for really no reason at all.. or at least he wouldn't give me one.. But he is already dating some other chick.. who he claims to one of my friends.. wasn't intenting on happening... Anyways to the point...

he came over today to get his things.. he wouldn't even talk to me.. he said he had to get back to babysitting. HAHA. Anywhoos.. So I just asked him one little question "why aren't you claiming the baby anymore" his response was "just following orders.." I said.. 'from who, your mother??" "yep" he said..

what the h**l.......................




  1. Don't worry about it. Just request a paternity test when the baby gets here and prove him wrong! Then put his sorry a** on child support!

  2. Woah, that's seriously messed up. Sounds like a real winner.

  3. time to call maury

  4. I am going thru a situation at 11 wks where the father who wanted to be with me "forever" if our situation before the baby was "different" wont even talk to me. I know u want to sit down and talk things out but if he wont there isn't much you can do. People say ohhh use better judgement but sometimes the people we love arent who they said and seemed to be. BE STRONG FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY and get that paternity test and prove them all wrong!

  5. Why did you choose to create a child with a complete loser?

    Get a paternity test once you have the baby and order him to pay child support!

    Try to use better judgment next time...

  6. Move on he sounds immature get yourself a real man !

  7. men always listen to there mothers..but are you sure he is the father? if so he is a complete need to sit him down and talk to him if he is and reall make him know what he is missing..make him pay child support and make him take a paternity test..and when it comes up positive dont let him take that baby or let his mom see the baby..if they deny the baby now they dont deserve to be in the babys life..

  8. This is why it's easier having a baby after you're married.  Men are complicated asses at times.

  9. i'm thinking he's an a*****e and you should make him pay child support if the kid is his.

  10. *SIGH*

  11. Tell him that his mother won't be able to save him from child support if the paternity test proves that he's the father.

  12. get a paternity test as soon as the baby is born and make him pay child support!

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