
The father of my child is ignoring me because i found out about a new girlfirend what should i do?

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i am 3 months prego and im very happy!

but i just found out the man i loved for 3 and half yrs has another girlfriend that he knowsays he loves. he avoiding me and the baby and im nervouse i just dont know what to do!




  1. well there really isnt anything u can do! just be strong and move on.  And just know in your heart and cannot play anyone who doesnt want to be played with or on=you love him, but you shouldnt settle for him doing this to you.  No matta how much they said they will stop, it really wont.  He will see what he's missing out on, weither its mad the hard way=child support....As for miss thang, you knew about her, did she know about you????Before she came the side line hoe=if she did know then what does that say bout her...She willing to have a relationship with a guy who does a Brittney Spears type of ordeal, leave one pregnant person to be with someone else aka then in the long run he will do the same thing...And you an your baby will be moved on and doing so much better....It hurts at first,but depressing about it is not doin u/the baby any good, ad if u let it get to you, u letting him know that he haves the upper hand, that he can do it again, in u will take him back....where i live at we have pregnancy support classes=women stress management,just for women=going through divorce while pregnant/breakups, check  with your doctor to see if u guys have such

  2. take care of yourself and your baby, he sounds like a real winner....this new girlfriend will probably get the same treatment.

  3. Well my ex left me when I got pregnant (he just up and disappeared) and I found out that he's dating, it's really tough!  It makes me feel really awful sometimes but lately I've decided to forget about him, and just take care of me and the baby!  I know what's right for myself and the baby and that's all that matters.  I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and I haven't heard from him in 8 weeks, but instead of being upset, I feel blessed.  He doesn't deserve to be a part of this joy, and I hope someday I'll find someone and get married and they will be that "father figure" in my son's life.

    For you, he sounds like a jerk.  However, if you can handle him being in love with someone else, and want him around after the baby is born, and he wants that too, then I really hope it works!  Remember, everything turns out the way it's supposed to!

    If you want to talk about it, you can send me an email :)

    ALSO if he did this to you, he will do it to her, guys really dont change...  we need some classy guys!

  4. Have you guys been separated for a while? If so, there really isn't a whole lot you can do. You guys are over and he's moved on. As far as your new child is concerned, once he/she is born, get some kind of custody agreement worked out and he needs to start paying child support.

    On a more personal note, let this guy go. I know it's hard....really I do. I've been through a very similar situation. It was the kind of heart break that literally hurts. I was depressed for a VERY long time. But now I'm married to a wonderful man and I'm happier than I've ever been. The same will happen to you, really it will. When it does, you'll look back and laugh about the whole situation. If it had been meant to be, you guys would still be together. The worst thing you can do is force someone to love you when they don't.

    Good luck :) Everything will work out.

  5. just take care of your baby and let him be a jackass with his new gf. he'll cone back cry'n sooner or later, they always do. then of course you will be over the looser and you'll tell him the only thing he can do for you is take care of the baby.

  6. leave HIM.   find another man before teh baby is born, and he'll be the father.

  7. Not much you can do right now, But when the baby comes hit him with child support. He made the baby and he is responsible.

    Stay strong, and Love the little one inside you with all you have... let your baby be your rock!


  9. Leave him alone then have the baby and make him pay child support kk?

  10. when that happened to me i acted like it didn't bother me even if it did. i just told him that i couldn't live like that and he had to choose her or me,and if he picked her then he needed to pack his stuff and get out because you deserve better and you can also get someone that will treat you better.the child does not need to see the parents fightting.

  11. I guess you could blame your indecisiveness on hormones but I dunno? I don't know what you can blame on your poor decision making. Although it's fairly common these days to not necessarily be married to have chidren - obviously, you don't have to have one to get the other but if you want to follow a proven plan for success, you get maried and then talk about having kids. That way, you both know you want what you're working for, you've decided to sacrifice work, some money, a lot of time, made an investment in your future and someone else's. You've aso decided to sacifice other women/men. You have the one you want and that is for life. You're prepared to give everything for the child you're having and nothing is too great to give that child. Well, I don't think that child needs a Mom and a girlfriend to take care of him. I don't think you would feel good enough about yourself to stay in this relationship if your Bf isn't prepared to make this realationship exclusive - you only. How will you be able to trust him? I don't think he's ignoring you b/c you found out abt the other g/f, I thik he's ignoring you b/c he doesn't really love you. He wants his cake (you) and be able to eat it (other girls), too. He's not ready to settle down, duh - Even though you're prego, your child will have a much better chance of being healthy if you're not under undue stress. Talk to your guy. Let him know what you need - monogamy, security of knowing that the father of your child will be w/ you forever and supportin this child, also. You might also need an apology from him re his straying. You might also need assurance that he wants this child and you. You're a package deal now. One doesn't come w/o the other.


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