
The father of my son and i have joint custody, i live in ontario canada and want to move to calgary, can i?

by  |  earlier

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the father of my and son and i have joint custody, my son is 10yrs old, i live in ontario canada and i want to move out of province to calgary, if he didnt agree what kind of a chance do i have if it goes through court? please someone help me...




  1. A question best suited for a lawyer; mainly your lawyer.....

  2. Not until you have legal permission and I doubt you ex will give you that.

    You will have to wait till your child is an adult.

  3. You can't move out of province with his child unless you have his permission.

    If you do move without his consent he can force you to move back.

    My boyfriend is going through the same thing right now, his ex moved out of province and the minute their divorce is final he can force her to move back into Ontario.

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