
The fine for dropping litter is more than that for criminal damage how is that fair ?

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in solihull a women got a £50 fine and a costs of £100 for dropping a ciggy but a drunk who broke a window got fines totaling 110.00 how the f###k is this fair , this was in solihull magistrates court last week




  1. Nobody said life was fair.

    I hate litter bugs myself.

    My total labor cost for picking up litter is about $1,000 per month.

    Yes it is fair.

  2. The answer to that is do not drop your litter,should make the fine higher

  3. Is there are reason why you are questioning the fairness of the consequences of breaking a law?  Is it fair that people have to walk along and avoid the trash people drop on the ground because it is too difficult or time consuming to place it in the proper trash receptacles.   Or the fact that people can't enjoy the beauty of a an area because it is marred by all the refuse people leave behind, because their mommies didn't follow along behind them cleaning up after them.

    Seriously, if punishments were more harsh and more "unfair" then perhaps people would reconsider breaking the laws in the first place.

  4. It,s nothing to do with being fair,it is about not dropping litter.Whatever you do ,and get caught for, you deserve all you get,never do the crime unless you can take your lumps.Incidentally ,its dropping ciggies ,as you call them,that causes fires and massive damage in the countryside,i lost 3 of my mates ,burnt to death in bed,because of a ciggy fire.

  5. It's easier for the Police to target the vulnerable, that's why! An old woman is less likely to put up a fight than a drunk!

  6. Have you only just noticed the justice system is c**p?

  7. Nothing regarding the justice system in this country is fair.  

  8. Because litter, like motoring offences is an fixed fine, an easy collar and you are presumed guilty until you prove your own innocence.  Most people just pay up with no argument as the advise (threat) on the fine states if you do not pay the fixed fine you will go to court and end up paying more, Hence the amount you cite.

  9. We no longer live in a fair society.

  10. According to you the fines for breaking the window were more. £110 compared to the litter fine of £50 that is fair.

  11. Because littering is an instant on the spot fine, meaning it can be dished out to far more people than criminal damage can. It's a great cash cow.

    Since when was anything to do with the law and politics fair?

  12. Local Councils find that imposing Fines are a great way of collecting Revenue for them to waste. They are constantly thinking up new ways to get your hard earned money. The public should also be able to impose the same level of Fines payable within 14 Days to Council negligence- ineptitude- leaving Pavements to the abuse by Shop Traders-Councils neglecting to fill Pot holes - Getting Garbage cleared in time- Allowing rat-infestations to grow.-Not answering Letters in the Time they promise to do .Employing Staff that cannot do the Job-Publishing a Monthly that is full of inaccuracies .Giving their Directors huge pay rises and perks whilst keeping up a pretence of Hard work.

  13. Presumably she contested the charge rather than accept her crime and pay the fine.

    The £100 was for costs. Her fine was actually less than half the fine for criminal damage.

    Sounds about right.

  14. Its just another tax and no expensive court procedures needed. Brown strikes again!

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