
The first Nigerian Heavyweight Champion of the world, your thoughts?

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Klitschko vs Peter II I think Sam will not let the next one go to the cards.




  1. Well Blogbaba looks like u have a fan with a_p_ribafish. lol. I have never read ANY question or answer from u saying u hate the Eastern European fighters, or anyone for that matter. And u always ask and answer awesome in my book.

    So with that being said, ''Dr. Lamehammer,'' Nicolai ''Frankensteins Monster'' Valuev,  Oleg  ''I say I'm 39 but look 60'' Maskaev  and Vitali ''Oh my back and knee, and I will live off the Lewis fight forever'' Klitschko all SUCK!!!!

    If Wlad the boring is suppose to be so dominating and the best out there why did he play patty cake for twelve extremely boring rounds with Ibrigamov?  People can save the ''He did enough to win and fought a strategic fight'' c**p his own trainer was embarrassed and told him he looked bad!

    Sam Peter did look like a butterball who is probably at the all u can eat taco bar right now, but  if he was dedicated in training and got into good shape ''Dr. Weiniehammer'' would run like a man on fire if they fought. David Haye would probably have to chase him as well and he is half his size!

    I hate nobody but I call it the way I see it.  And here in the good old U.S. we call it an opinion or freedom of speech.

  2. Peter had a good win tonight but I still see a lot of holes in his game that Wlad may exploit. Maskaev rocked Peter a few times and he is 39 and slow, so will a younger and faster Wlad get to Peter even more? But at the same time, how will Wlad's chin hold up once Peter connects with a hard shot? Peter had Wlad down 3 times in the first fight but still lost a decision by a good margin. Wlad seems to be a better fighter now than when he met Peter the first time, except for the Ibragimov fight that is.

    There are so many questions going into a Wlad-Peter rematch and that's why to be honest, I would make it a pick-'em fight right now. I really can't pick a winner just yet.

  3. Sam Peter is begging to be knocked out. I'm still not impressed, Peter a 39 year old and rarely active Maskaev. Wald will KO Peter in the rematch.

  4. Peters is the heavy weight champion of punching in the back of the head...I counted 7...6 of them hard shots...the last one dazed him before his " flurry"...Seems like when he gets hit....he starts the hitting in the back of the head. I say his next fight he gets a strong shot in the back of the head 7 times and see if he can win....some champion...maybe if he gets in real trouble he will bite ears too. I'm also for fining the refs for letting more than 3 illegal blows go without point deduction...come on....7 shots. Ps ..It was the same in his last fight...He is the sloppiest boxer in the sport.

    He's a loser....not a boxer!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope klitchko kicks the c**p out of him...knock him in the back of the head 1 to 1.

    That is why MMA is going to shut boxing down...You strike your opponent in the back of the head and hurt are disqualified...I'm done with boxing........

    EDIT: Make no mistake opinion has nothing to do with nationality...I'm talking about skill...and lol @ sucking wind in the second. Anyone see the Hayes knockout...that is a knockout.

  5. Sam Peter will be Heavyweight Champion (for what its worth today)  when he beats Wladamir Klischko (not his fragile accident prone brother).  Like De La Hoya-Mayweather 2, Boxing Doesn't Need THAT fight.

    Its' Wladamir vs Sam or NOTHING.  That is the ONLY fight that matters.   Fighting Vitaly will only accomplish one thing.  It will alienate more people from boxing.  We don't need it.   When will the fight happen, when Vitaly stops hurting himself in training.  

    People bought his SOB story from his near win over Lennox.  I give him credit but Lennox showed the difference between "Professionals" and amateurs.  Vitaly is a stand-up guy but he should allow his brother to win the undisputed title and take his rightful place in heavyweight history.  Its not likely that Vitaly would keep the title by successfully defending it.  Instead he will opt to "SIT" on the title and keep getting hurt in training, keeping any title he might hold "Frozen".  

    I hate to root against him because Im not very impressed with Peter, whom I think would be a much better fighter if he would come in the ring in shape.  However, I hope Peter beats Vitaly soundly so he can go back into retirement and allow the RIGHT Klitschko to rule the division.

    Im not very impressed with Sam Peter.  He has power but he could be SO MUCH more if he would train.   For all his later stupidity outside the ring,  when he was young, Mike Tyson came READY.  Sam is young and lazy.   Its a shame because soon he will lose to someone who shouldnt even be in the ring with him.  This is what happens to lazy fighters, good or otherwise.

  6. My thoughts. LMAO . Did anyone else notice Sam sucking wind in the second round? Does he have power? Sure. Is he horribly one dimensional? Yes The answer is Klitchko KO`s him whether it be Vitali or Wladimer.

  7. Finally Some People Are Figuring The Blogman Out.  Busted.  A Few Weeks Ago I Posted A Question.  Please Read My Question And All Comments By Me And The Blogmeister.  The Blog Statements Are So Unreal.  A Fisherman ----You Challenged Individual U

    Blog The Ribafish Was Actually Nice Compared To What I Think Of You Man.  A Smitty Wannabe.  The Fairweather Blog Is More Like Your Name.  Change Your Name To Fairweather Smitt - He Always Shot His Mouth Off With Nothing Behind It --Like U

    You Make About As Much Sense As Vetoing Waterboarding

  8. ...i dont think he's the first nigerian heavyweight champion... i thought Henry Akinwande,  Herbie Hide(who is originally from Nigeria), and i think a couple of more but there names slip my mind, were all heavyweight champions at one point.

  9. He can punch but Oleg is 39 years old and was KO 5 times before so Peter win was expected. I watch the fight and thought it was stopped prematurely. The referee could of give him a standing eight count since he was still standing and only 4 seconds from the end of the round. Oleg punches were shorter and according to punch stat, the fight was close up to that point. So I am not overly impresss with Samuel Peter, he is a good puncher but until he beat Wladamir, he is not the champion of the world, just another alphabet champion.

  10. he will be one of the best boxers today besides mayweather

  11. No, it will not go to the score cards. This time Klitschko will knock him out.

    When they fought the first time Wladimir was in the biggest crisis and at the absolute rock bottom of his career. There was no confidence in him what so ever. Peter had him on the floor three times and still lost the match. And there was nothing controversial about that decision blog, make no mistake about it. I'm guessing you haven't seen the fight. Samuel got three knock downs in the match - 2 in round five (so 10-6 round) and 1 in round ten (10-8). Other then that Wladimir was in control of the match, outboxed him cleanly and decisively in every other round and won them all without question - hence the scoreline 114-111. All three judges saw it the same way, as did everyone else who had seen the fight, so I don't know what your problem is, but never mind.

    Anyway, now Wladimir is at the peak of his career and on top of his game. Under the guidance of Emmanuel Steward he has improved so much and found the confidence and psychological stability in the ring, which he so desperately needed and if he does fight Peter once again he will control him completely, give him a lesson and blast him out in 8 rounds I guarantee you that.

    You know blogbaba, I need to tell you one more thing. There are many boneheads on this forum, who log on here for God knows what reason and post moronic stuff on daily basis. And that's irrelevant because no one really takes those opinions into consideration. But what you're doing on many occasions here is much worse. You have extensive boxing knowledge and are very perceptive about this sport when you choose to give an honest and objective opinion. But it's also painfully obvious that you genuinely hate and resent all Eastern European boxers, Wladimir Klitschko especially, and use whatever chance you get to take a crack at them and undermine them in any way possible. You have absolutely no arguments and no valid points in these situations and you know that all to well. But that's your thing. I just want to say that this is so wrong and it makes you look really bad in the eyes of any true fan of this sport. That's my opinion.

    Have to log off now. It's match time.

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