
The first europeans to reach north america were the?

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  1. Vikings.  The other three are Native American peoples.  BTW, the third are the Hopewells, not "hoewells"


  2. The Paleo Indians of Idaho at least 5000 years before Christ  Greek DNA

  3. vikings

  4. The Vikings are the only Europeans on your list.  The Welsh also have old tale about a group coming over and settling along the Mississippi somewhere.  I read a book about it but do not remember the name.

  5. Stone age Solutreans, circa 20,000 BC . You find their DNA in Apaches and East coast tribes.

    Mitochondrial type X, often seen in Berbers and the Spanish. In spite of a lot of effort, they've never been able to find this telltale European DNA anywhere in Asia, so the only entry point is via an Atlantic ocean route. I still see articles in American papers trying to dismiss the idea, but the DNA doesn't lie. They probably stopped over in the Azores, which would have been a decent sized landmass back then, or followed the pack ice around in summer, like Eskimos. It would only have taken a few weeks, they could have pulled onto the ice in bad weather, hunted and fished , and the ice would have provided water.

    There is a variant of Mt DNA X in Altaians, but it is not an ancestor to the American version, it's a 'cousin'.

  6. Bjarni Herjulfsson should have been the European discoverer of America. However, he was more interested in getting to Greenland! About 986 Herjulfsson, sailing to Greenland from his native Iceland was driven far off course by a fierce storm. Some time later he came to a heavily forested land. Rather then go ashore he told his crew that it couldn't be Greenland because of the trees. They sailed north and saw several more "lands." Each time Herjulfsson, declared it not to be Greenland (although he'd never been to Greenland before)

    So, in 1000 AD, Lief Erikson found the land noted by Herjulfsson and settled for a winter in a place called Vinland. The term "Vinland" has for years been though to refer to grapes. However, the term "vin" can also be used to mean "field." The "grapes" reported by Leif were either elderberries or good real estate marketing. Remember his father called a barren island "Greenland" Lief gets credits for being the "First" European.

    One Norse site in Northern Newfoundland has been excavated and determined to have been used about 1000 AD. However, that's not proof it was Vinland.

    After one year, Lief returned to Greenland. On his way he rescued a shipwreck group of sailors and earned the nickname "Lief the Lucky." Not for his discovery of Vinland but for his rescue!

    There were several further Norse expeditions to Vinland. Several ended with death and defeat from the Native Americans. To have a successful colony would have required the migration of the majority of the people from the Greenland Colonies. The Norse were at the end of a very long supply line from Europe. They simply were committed full-time to holding the Greenland settlements. In the end, with poor supplies, climatic change and attacks by pirates, the settlements failed.

    There are a number of other claimants to the "First."  However, there isn't a lot of accepted evidence to support such claims. At one time or another Phoenicians, Romans, Africans, Egyptians, Irish monks, Welsh, English Fishermen (who might have told Columbus), Japanese, Chinese, and Polynesians have been presented as being the "First" discoverer of the Americas.

    Columbus frequently gets the credit for being the "first" due to good press and the fact that his voyage was the one that began a period of exploration and colonization in the Americas. The preceding discoveries simply weren't widely reported and after the exploration was over, nobody followed up on what was discovered.

  7. the norse (a.k.a vikings)

    however, asians were the first to cross the "ice bridge"

    into alaska and then migrite south

  8. Vikings.

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