
The first five year plan was established to.?

by Guest21496  |  earlier

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A. Accelerate Industrialization

B. Raise the Standard of Living

C. Distribute land to the Peasant's

D. Make the Soviet Union more Democratic

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  1. A is the nearest.

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  2. neither/all of the above?

    The First Five-Year Plan (Five-Year Plan of Russia) was a list of economic goals that was designed to strengthen the USSR's economy between 1928 and 1932, making the nation both militarily and industrially self-sufficient.

    One of the primary objectives of Stalin's First Five-Year Plan was to build up Russia's heavy industry. In 1929, Stalin edited the plan to include the creation of kolkhoz, collective farming systems that stretched over thousands of acres of land and had hundreds of peasants working on them.

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