
The first thing he said was Thank You, winning his eighth gold medal. How incredible is Michael Phelps?

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The only Olympic games I have enjoyed more were the 1980 hockey team.




  1. That was such a great race! My husband and I were jumping all over the living room screaming at the TV! I don't think we've ever been so excited about any sport before! Michael Phelps really is the real deal all the way around. Its great too to see how much he loves and respects his mom!

  2. He's awesome and very humble  

  3. pretty f*cking incredible

  4. Yeah, and he's also incredibly hot to boot . (:

  5. it was awesome!!

    i cant believe some people were dumb enough to suggest we should boycott beijing

    history has been made!!!

  6. I have been watching all of Michael's races, but last night I was with a friend and we were supposed to go out because it was Saturday night and I thought I would miss the eighth gold medal. Things didn't go as planned so we ended up walking for about and hour until we found a Carl's Jr.  We went inside to buy something to drink and noticed that the race was about to start. People left their hamburgers on the table and stood up to gather around the tv.  I should mention that I'm currently living in Mexico, but people's spirit was amazing, everyone was yelling at the tv and jumping all over supporting Phelps.  You can imagine people's reaction when Lezak finished first!  We were all celebrating and as the guy on the tv said, we were just witnessing history happen.  It was very moving to me when Michael Phelps said thank you, you could tell it was a very sincere thing to say.  That guy is just amazing and I know he has won people's respect, and not only americans', just look at what happened to me last night.


  7. That was amazing. I was crying. haha!

  8. Mikey Phelpsy is an official sports legend. A hot, official sports legend. I think I'm gonna be chilling out in the Olympics section for a while now...

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