
The first victory in the War on Terror?

by Guest62962  |  earlier

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Although previous attacks included the U.S.S. Cole and the United States embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, Osama bin Laden effectively, if unofficially, declared war on the United States and her citizens when agents of al Qaeda deliberately crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 AM on 9/11/2001, the first, but not last, salvo fired on American soil.

What was the first American victory in the war that started at that moment, a war that later became known as the War on Terror?




  1. I'd say the invasion of Afghanistan a few weeks after 9/11 was the first U.S. victory, where we captured the whole country in about 4 weeks, and deposed the Taliban, leaving a democracy in its place.

    We captured their Al Qaida training camps, and learned a lot about their training techniques, and their planned attacks on symbolic and historical sites all over Europe, Canada and the U.S. that they planned to bomb.  The invasion seized enemy strongholds and uprooted them, and prevented those planned attacks.

    Liberal cynics can distortedly say Al Qaida are still in Afghanistan.  But they're hiding in caves, impotently harassing with roadside bombs and occasional suicide bombs.  Rebels are powerless to seize any military ground from U.S. or Afghan forces, or stage any major offensives.

  2. It started a long, long time before that

  3. Let me tell you that you are on the ball. All of these were strikes bin laden do to the US when Clinton was president which he didn't do c**p. Now we are paying the price!

  4. Fallujah was a victory, but was a battle, not war

  5. I guess it's kind of a victory that since we trained Osama.

      We must have trained him well.

  6. Subduing the American people.

  7. Stopping attacks on US soil.

  8. I have not noticed any.  Oh, unless you count Saddam and his two insane sons, but is that really a victory of any kind?

  9. When the Angels won the World Series in 2002.

  10. The recaputure of control of  flight 93.


    the disarming of the shoe bomber.

  11. terrorism is a ploy by an underpowered group to fight back against an overpowering group

    people have been poisoning wells and doing terrorist stuff for thousands of years

  12. I guess when they captured and killed Saddam, though I personally don't really know or think he had anything to do with the whole 9-11 thing. I think they killed him cause they couldn't catch bin laden. Not like Sadaam was a stand up guy cause he sucked but that's just my opinion, what the h**l do I know.

  13. I "assume" that would be the displacement of the Taliban government of Afghanistan that sheltered the Al Qaida training camps (and incidentally oppressed human rights excessively and violently within Afghanistan, especially of females).

  14. The news wont tell you this, but weve hit AL Queda a lot harder than they hit us since that day. For every US Troop lost in Iraq, 12 militants have been killed. Saying that, all the Militants arent Al Queda. But despite what you might beleive, recent polls have shown 1 in 4 Militants is.

    So thats 4 members of Al Queda for 3600 US Troops, thats over 14,000 dead; Id call that a victory. Theyve lost hundreds of thousands civillian wise compared to our 3,000. Theyre on the run and their leaders are too scared to show their faces, the top leaders are living in a **** hole cave in the middle of the desert. Theyre pathetic.

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