
The following error occur during booting time...?

by Guest65316  |  earlier

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the following file is missing windows\system32\config\system




  1. Hello

    When XP started to get up and prompts the following documents damaged or lost windows can not start

    WINDOWS/system32/config/system need to start the CD-ROM "r" repair, the adoption of this approach

    Provided that you must be able to restart DOS, if your system is NTFS, then it should support DOS才行; please start with the relevant CD-ROM or MaxDOS to start under DOS

    First windows / repair directory.

    Then copy system c: / windows/system32/config/system

    This will reopen to the desktop

    But this you have the settings on the whole did not, which is returned to you first start to the desktop when the configuration, you would also like to re-install your drive and set up

    How is windows 2000 system also prompted this: C: / winnt/system32/config/system or c: / winnt/system32/drivers/ntfs.sys lost documents, methods can be used in 2000 is the installation CD into the system installed by the interface R keys to repair.

    How is not used by 2000 or XP the same in these two issues, I would like to be the hardware problems, the first memory may have quality problems (especially the old memory), the second hard drive may be the problem, the old hard drive there Some more

    If you need help please visit:

    Good luck

  2. You O/S is corrupt  

  3. you can run around it the whole time but i am telling you need to do a operating system reinstall and if your data is important do one think do operating system reinstall in the same partition without deleting it and then you will be able to go onto your windows and then back up your data and then do a clean install if you need help in reinstallation email me. or if procedure is not clear just email me i`ll explain you in detail.

  4. Google is your friend!!! dude

  5. your O/S is messed up.

    put in and run your Windows original startup disk.

    or take it to the shop and pay that lovely 150bucks to get a new disk.

  6. as the other guys said your o/s is not right. if it is copy then is not copied right.if not (that is hard to believe) try to get the same disk  (or use limewire to download the same windows version) and try again.if you try to update your current one that means something was missing from the 1rst place. if it keeps happening you can install a different version if you have any, and run a quick check on your pc, it should find some error.  

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