
The following stars are all equally distant from the Earth. which would be a hot but very dim star?

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red dwarf, white dwarf, main sequence star, red giant star, or a blue giant star




  1. Are you doing a science project? :)

    A blue giant star would be extremely bright, and a red giant would be cooler so that rules out those answers.

    I'm not positive but I would say that it's probably the white dwarf. This is a newly born star that would be very, very hot but still relatively new and still expanding so it might not have reached it's full brightness yet.

  2. Brightness depends on both temperature and size:

    - of 2 stars, the hotter one is brighter (all other things being equal), and the larger one is brighter (all other things being equal)  

    Temperature ranges from red (cool) to blue (hottest).

    Size varies from dwarf (smallest) to giant (largest)

    Red dwarfs are small and cool.

    White dwarfs are small and hot.

    Main sequence are like the sun.

    Red giants are big and cool.

    Blue giants are big and hot.

  3. White dwarf. They are extremely hot, but quite dim compared to other stars. They are found in the bottom left corner of an H-R diagram off of te main sequence

  4. The red giant would be large and cool.

    The main sequence would be hot and bright, like the sun.

    The blue giant would be young, extremely hot and very bright.

    The red dwarf would be cool and dull.

    Which leaves the white dwarf. Still boiling hot from the stars death which created it, but dim as it no-longer has nuclear fusion to keep it going.

    The white dwarf. Hope this helps.

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