
The footballer who killed the two boys.?

by  |  earlier

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he was drunk and had no insurance either, what sentence for this moron.

sorry i could not post the link of the report.




  1. I think he'll get a hefty sentence. Not only did he kill two children, the father is in a critical state and other people were injured.  If he DOESN'T get his dues, there'll be a bloody outcry! Somehow I think the judge will make an example of him. Hope so anyway. To lose one child is bad enough but TWO!

  2. he will probably get a slap on the wrist a suspended sentence and a hefty fine. celebrities get away with things like that...


  4. hopefully he will go to jail even though he is a footballer, even he can`t get away with this one, surely,

  5. That selfish, self-indulgent b*****d with a flagrant disregard for the law, and for the safety of others, should get life.

    Those poor lose 1 child must be terrible, but 2, and in such awful circumstance which could have been avoided- tragic and unforgivable

  6. I'm a parent of two boys about the ages of the two who were killed. I can't even fathom what those poor parents are going thru. To think how selfish someone could be by getting behind the wheel of their car and drive drunk. How stupid!! So, not only did he kill two lil boys who could of changed the world  and severly injure the father,but he ruined his own life and for what? a few drinks.  I believe that if you drive drunk and get caught, you should be tried for attempted murder.  If you kill someone because you drove drunk you should be tried for premeditated murder. You have no control of your senses. He wasn't some young kid ffs he was an adult. He knows right from wrong. Its time the court throw the book at him for what he did and to give the message"It don't matter who you are,you will pay for your crime".. How many more ppl have to die at the hands of drunk drivers before ppl get it thru their head DON"T DRIVE DRUNK!!!!

  7. He will get 5 years, serve 2 and come out and resume his life as a proffesional footballer if he follows Lee Hughes example. Whilst the poor parents or parent if the father dies, will spend the rest of there life suffering. Guy wants shooting

  8. And  just as worrying, the channel 5 reporter wandering around on the Hard Shoulder of the M6 Motorway at the scene of the accident. If it was you or me we would be in court! are these people exempt from motorway regs  ( NO PEDESTRIANS )

  9. He has not faced a court yet, so speculation and passing a sentence at this stage is not helpful or fair on him or the family involved.

  10. you can guarantee it wont be enough

  11. life sentance of 30 years lmaoo he deserves itt!

  12. He deserves everything he gets, but wont get what he deserves.  HOw fair is that?  I suspect that his money may do some talking!

  13. I think he will get jailed.Most likely the maximum sentence available.To think he was a participant in a road safety awareness campaign and goes on to do this,beggars belief.

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