
The footy show: is sam past it?

by Guest58138  |  earlier

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i think this man is actually mentally sick

he frequently gets side-tracked and rarely follows the conversation

he treats the panel and hutchy and billy brownless like dirt

and the players (eg. crawf, fev) and hutchy and billy brownless hate him

he is offensive to women

gary lyon and brayshaw (not their fault but they) cant contain him like eddie could

i reckon he is past it

he should quit now and let billy take over - it is way funnier and more enjoyable when billy is there

your thoughts?




  1. Hallelulah!! I agree with everything you said!

    A couple of weeks ago I asked the question about The Caro Wilson Prank and what people thought. Boy did I get shot down in flames.

    The more I think about the Sam, the more I realise that he is just a cynical ex player who is more and more relying on what I would call gutter humour to try for a laugh and most people have more intelligence than that. I hate the way he belittles the panel members when they don't share his opinion. Offensive to women? Just trying for cheap laughs.

    (and don't get me started on James Brayshaw: He acts like a prepubescent schoolboy hanging on Sams every word and giggling when he says something a little rude.)

    Unfortunately, love him or not, he is the footy show and without him, it would more than likely disappear. AND channel 9 are desperately trying to win something in the ratings war and apart from Gordon Ramsay, this is all they have. It would appear (at least judging from the comments made on this site) that Billy doesn't really have what it takes to take over.

    It is a shame, because I used to really enjoy the Footy show each week (If you have ever seen WA's excuse for a footy show, you would understand why we persist is watching this one!!!). Now I listen while I am doing dishes and occasionally will hear something worth sitting down and watching.

  2. He's stupid, but at least he actually does something.  What does Trevor Marmalade contribute?  Absolutely nothing.  

    But I guess for many people, Sam is what the footy show is all about.  A chance to parade your prejudices in public - but I'd support it because at least its not the American c**p that fills the channels almost every other night, and it dares to push the envelope.  

    The Caro scene however (political correctness etc aside), was just not a very funny item.  The over-reaction was a bit silly.  If it had been ignored it would have been passed over.  But as the old saying goes, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and Caro has thrown a few in her time! So she needs to toughen up, or get out.

  3. Personally I agree with you.   I reckon it was funnier without him.    Don't think many others will feel the same way though.

    Edit.   I was hoping Hutchy was gonna get up and belt him after that embarrasing little stunt.

  4. well i woulda agreed with you before tonight. i thought he had a very good show. sure billy brownless is better, but apparently the ratings in victoria went way down when sammy left. so i guess because the victorians want him, they get him

  5. Sam was past it/lost it long ago. Why this cretin has any fans makes me wonder, what happened to good taste?

  6. He doesn't treat the panelists like dirt they all **** stir each other all the time. Crawf and Fev absolutely love pissing off Sam!. Is he past it well..... I dont think so, he is genreally pretty good but what he did to hutchy on last nights show wasnt very good. Hutchy looked like he wanted to murder Sam. O well hutchys a ******** anyway! I think Billy should become a pernment member of the panel. The crowd love him, everyone loves Billy!


  7. everyone knows that the footy show will not last without sam he is too important and billy isnt as funny as him

  8. mark you are a loser mate, get a life

  9. Holy god. Is everyone here "mentally sick"?

    The footy show would simply be half as good minus Sam Newman. He's acted this way for many years and for the majority of viewers they find him funny.

    The first shot he takes at women in over 10 years of the shows history and all of a sudden everyone gets angry. He's been taking the p**s out of everyone else, but you didn't care then. As soon as a woman is involved everyone has a cry.

    No one on the show hates him at all. If you see the way the panel interacts with him you'd see that. Hutchy was on the radio after the show, rang up and he said he over-reacted and realised this is how sam works and it was all in good spirits.

    Oh - and Billy isn't funny at all. It was pretty boring the weeks Sam was gone.

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