
The former partner of the Duke of Palma asked to testify GallardÃ_n

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Iñaki Urdangarin 's former partner, Diego Torres, has asked the trial judge to take evidence NÃ_os as witness, Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz- GallardÃ_n. In its letter, Torres argues that " there was a personal relationship " between the Duke of Palma and GallardÃ_n. The two discussed " sporting aspects," but also on " the NÃ_os Institute ", an entity that was presented as non-profit and which, presumably, the exsocios nearly six million pocketed public money, in particular, the Balearic and Valencian communities (PP).

Torres 's lawyer, Manuel Gonzalez Peeters believes GallardÃ_n, must take account of " the reality of the activity NÃ_os Institute." To support your request, attached documents, among others, a letter " thank " the minister referred to the son of the King in 2005, about the Olympic bid promoted by the then mayor of Madrid. "Dear friend," writes GallardÃ_n, " I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unconditional support for the bid (...) and especially for the cooperation with these days, we 've spent."

In March 2006, GallardÃ_n even proposed to the Duke actively participate in the bid to Madrid 2016. Although not stated in the tender documents and follows the response Urdangarin, who rejected it. Instead, he proposed to Carlos Sainz: "I feel a moral obligation to suggest an alternative to the leadership of the bid," he says.

In the spring of 2004, and sought NÃ_os GallardÃ_n support the organization of the European Games inviting him to dinner with other personalities. The Valencian Generalitat thousand euros disbursed by the event, even though it never took place. A year later NÃ_os managed to book GallardÃ_n prologase Sponsorship seen by its main protagonists.

GallardÃ_n was invited to the presentation of the book, as well as the socialist José Montilla or Jaime Lissavetzky. Torres also asked to testify. In September 2013, the judge has already rejected a statement from the Minister as a defendant because he saw no evidence of his involvement in the 2016 Madrid payments made ​​NÃ_os the successor entity.

 Tags: Duke, former, GallardÃ_n, Palma, partner, testify


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