
The friends who no longer answer calls or return emails?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a question earlier about this but it was read into too much.

I have had several friends who where mutual friends with my ex husband. When he and I split up they were there via email or phone calls to support me.

There have been months now where I have sent emails to these friends, or calls and texts.. ( there are 2 and both do not know each other )

I am no longer getting return calls, texts or emails... is it jus ttime to close the connections and move on? Why aren't they interested in being in contact???




  1. move on

  2. It is probably too hard for them to be friends with you and your ex husband. That often happens when a couple splits up that the circle of friends also splits into groups.. some will be the friends of the ex wife and some will be the friends of the ex husband. It is awkward but that is what happens and I would move on and let it rest. They cannot be impartial and so they choose between one or the other of you. Whilst you were a married couple they were mutual friends. Often after a divorce onces circle of friends changes if those friends have been mutual friends of both.. therefore it's best to hang on to those who remain and for the rest, to make new friends.

  3. Probably because they have loyalty to your husband and being friends with you is a conflict of interest.

  4. They may not be interested because they have remained friends with your husband.  Usually when they are mutual friends and the couple splits then they only stay friends with one of the people because otherwise it is uncomfortable for them.  If they are not contacting you or returning calls then I would stop calling and move on.  If they want to reach you they know how to get in touch.

  5. Let it go and move forward. Friendships do end.

  6. Move on.... they are not friends... just aquantences who have moved on... you do not have enough in common to keep any relationship going.

  7. Friendships end all the time - usually when one party decides he is getting more pain than pleasure from the relationship, that the relationship is too much work for too little gain.  When "friends" decide to quit responding to emails or voice mails or texts, etc. they ARE communicating in a sense.  They are telling you, "Leave me alone!  I don't want to be your friend any more!  Please quit calling me!"  You need to invest your time and energy in making other friends - it is especially difficult for the friends you make as a couple who don't want to "take sides" when you split up.  Just move on.  It's for the best.  Things to get better.  

  8. when couples spit up, they usually get "custody" of their own friends they had prior to the marriage. it's just too awkward to be around the ex spouse of his or her friend. in time...usually years, things get better. i run into my exes friends all the time now and we hug and chat...just nothing about him. people i was such good friends with reduced to polite chatting...*sigh* that's life...

    by you trying to hold on to the friendship with calls and emails is kind of pathetic and these former friends will avoid you like the plague.they want to avoid the drama and think you are doing this to keep tabs on your ex. just move on and let time heal wounds.

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