
The front 4 backs of my teeth are black what should I do?

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The front 4 backs of my teeth are black what should I do?




  1. smoking will do that too. It appears black but is just dark brown. do you smoke alot? especially the back of the tooth.

  2. ewww ur teeth r rotting!! go 2 the dentist!!

    answer mine?;...

  3. I used to smoke and drink tea so often that my teeth looks so yellow. I tried all these kind of white strips and tooth paste but they didn't work at all. One day a friend of mine from Tai Wan mailed me a tooth powder product and I used it normally like tooth paste and it did whiten my teeth immediately. My friend said that tooth product was once recommended by a famous celebrity and I have been using it for many years up till now. It does work and it costs just $60 /143g !! If you want to know more,

  4. A complete tooth turning black is a sign that the root is dying. The tooth will drop out if untreated.  Black in back would tell me that you are eating something that is reacting with the teeth.  Or you have some bacteria in your mouth that aren't making you sick but are affecting your teeth.  Scrape the teeth with a piece of metal (not too hard) and look at the black stuff in a microscope.  A local school will let you use one.

    If scraping completely removes the "black" you will have to scrape as part of your daily dental care.

  5. sounds bacterial. start flossing and mouthwash with listerene. if it smells real bad, go to dentist for stronger stuff or you could get lock jaw.

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