
The funniest or most interesting horses name - one which has run in the Grand National and the like?

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I kind of think the horse that won the National today has a good name - Comply or Die...




  1. rough quest cos that is what the national is

  2. Rhyming slang is quite popular, hence 'Who gives a Donald' and 'Harry Monk', a spoonerism like 'Mary Hinge' and in the 1930's a horse was called 'The b*****d'

  3. i thought todays runner mr pointment was an awesome name

  4. Red Rum was an interesting name, because spelt backwards it becomes MUR DER, and he sure did murder the opposition three times he won the race in 1973, 1974 and 1977.

  5. there was this one horse one time called "his wife's sister", that was a funny name for the commentator...

    "...and murphy o'connor is riding his wife's sister today..."

  6. There is or was, im not sure...a racehorse called, iznogood, not sure how they did spell it but "is no good" i found that funny...

  7. There was one person in the US who made a funny set of names with their 2 horses... the first was Isitingood (... Is it in good?) and the second one was something like Yesitis (yes, it is!)

  8. I know a horse (with frostbitten ear tips) named Lend Me An Ear.

    Given that he has smallish, rounded ears, the name suits him well.

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