
The funniest thing you've ever said to a telemarketer?

by  |  earlier

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Being 14, I tend to enjoy kidding around with telemarketers. Okay, well some of the things I've said are below.

(Calling to tell me I have 'won a FREE cruise')

"Hello miss, I have called to tell you, that you have won a free cruise, and that sunny beaches and crashing waves await you!"

Me : "Sounds Lovely! Send me the tickets!" -hang up-

(Calling to tell me that I have an oppertunity to get a credit card of some sort)

"Hello, you have a chance to get a credit card within the next three days"

Me : "Hello, you have a chance to get a credit card within the next three days"

Telemarketer : "What..?"

Me : What..?

Telemarketer " Hello, is this miss cooper?"

Me : Hello, is this miss cooper?"

(Calling at TWELVE at NIGHT {my mom was furious}, to ask me if I wanted to have my name entered in a draw for some lap top)

Me : Pardon?

Them : " I said, would you like your name entered in a draw for an apple laptop"

Me : Pardon?


Me : Oh, sorry I was talking to my friend. What did you want?

- beep...beep...beep...beep -

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  1.     Once I told a telemarketer ,"Sorry but I no speka ingliss{'

    Then ,he told me not to worry because he could speak Spanish.

  2. cool

  3. I adopted a very crackly and cigarette addicted voice and:

    Telemarketer: You have won a free vacuum!

    Me: Hello??

    Telemarketer: Hello.

    Me: Do you have any cigs?

    Tele: No..

    Me: Well, your selling a vac- hold on a sec. Mary? MARY! Hide the stuff! I heard a pig!

    Tele: Excuse me sir-

    Me: I am a WOMAN *cough loudly*

    Tele: Your a.. Your a woman?

    Me: Yes. *In normal voice (I'm 15 male =]]) hang up*

  4. asked them to be my friend - in a very child like

  5. Ching chong chack ting mack pee poo nak nak ito massey.

    basically I pretended not to speak english.  

  6. funny pal!

    have your star...

    i'm applying it....


  7. I told him I was interested.

  8. everything they say i just interrupt and say loudly what like stone cold... they get so pissed

  9. "I'm kind of busy now, how about you give me your home phone number and I'll call you when I've got time." (usually they will say that they cant do that) so you say "oh, you don't want people calling you at home trying to talk about products."


    "well now you know how I feel." (hang up)

    One of my friends at school was paranoid about them. If you called the house you had to call twice because they'd let it run the first time in case it was a telemarketer.

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