
The future is in movies?

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We humans come from some where,nobody knows though.But could we be the "Aliens" on earth? I believe that with creations of fantasy movies like Star Trek,Star Wars and so on are really memories that are enbeded in our DNA what have you, of our past from billions of years.I believe that our mind has all the knowledge of what we see on TV but is slowly developing.The only way we can create these thing is on film,moreless recording/creating our past enginering capabilities. Im sure the human mind does not just think of such technology/movies for entertainment,though the human mind is to young to distinguish what is entertainment and what is really a development of our future.They see it as a great movie.I see it as a recording of what we will be.Let me know if Im crazy. ;)

Are the creatures in these movies just a fantasy creation or are they really a species that we have encountered in the past that are enbeded in our memories/dna.I do believe DNA holds memories,just has not been proven.




  1. if we were aliens that came here we would have maintained our super space travel level of technology. besides, star trek and others incorporated physical impossibilities. I mean come on, a 'light saber' that cuts through anything and although it is made of light it limits its beam length to a few feet? an invisible projection of pure force that prevents all forms of matter from going through it? you may as well use a strong window. as for showing up recently, we have odles of reasons and historical documentation of why we were originally here.

  2. If we were aliens, then we brought everyone else on the planet with us, back to the primordial ooze.  We fit perfectly into the chain of life here, and we share DNA with every other living creature.  That wouldn't have happened if we just dropped into this planet a few thousand years ago.

  3. A creature that was from another planet would be immediately obvious for what it was. It would be a complete outsider, the product of an entirely different evolutionary history, and it would show. It would use different amino acids for its proteins. It would not use DNA (it might use some different nucleotide polymer, or something else entirely). The hard parts of its body would not be made from the same stuff as our bones. It might not use iron for hemoglobin. It would undoubtedly have many gross anatomical differences as well, such as having ten digits per foot instead of five, breathing through slits in its neck instead of a nose, perhaps having a different number of limbs etc.

    If humans came from another planet we could probably never have survived as hunter-gatherers. We could not take sufficient nourishment from Earth plants and animals: the proteins would be too different. We could only have survived as farmers, carefully maintaining stocks of crops from our own planet of origin and living off them. Once we (re)discovered the science of molecular biology we would immediately notice the vast differences between ourselves and the small collection of like plants and animals that we lived on and all the rest of the living things on the planet. Paleontology would not discover precursors to us in the fossil record like Neanderthals and Homo Erectus. And, of course, we sure as heck wouldn't have 98% of our DNA in common with chimps.

    The idea of human beings being anything but native Earth organisms is incredibly implausible.

    As for the rest, human beings are imaginative creatures and have always had fantasies. Is Medusa real, because the ancient Greeks imagined her? Science fiction is nothing more than the fantastic legends about gods and monsters of ancient times, with a more modern presentation.

  4. I guess it could be almost right... You see humans are made of several different organs and types of cell, and everyone of those, know exactly what will be his job, and how to do it!! So it could not be that far fetch to believes that humans have a purpose to travel in the space to spread life on hostile environment. But I do not think that its really a genetic memory of what have happened before, but think that we are predestinate to fill such purposed. Life is strong and is much less random than we may believed!

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