
The future of energy, oil and resources?

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given that there is only 1 trillion barrels of oil left in the ground, lasting approx 32 years, and that we have no other completely dependable energy sources for the future, what do you envisage will happen when the oil runs out, what our future options are, and what sources of power will be used? will our electrical habits continue as usual? only answer if you have some knowledge please




  1. well we are getting our act together with renewable resources, and solar panels are getting more efficient, and people are starting to consider and use wind power and hydroelectric power more. I personally am particularly impressed with the floating wind turbines, which are essentially blimps that float at around 1000 feet where the wind is pretty constant, and have the 'windmill' attached to that. The manufacturers believe one will be able to power a small village. Another method being implimented at the moment is the ship sails, which are like giant kites that are attached to the front of tankers and cut the fuel costs by around 20%.

    There will probably be a lot of problems at first, with transport and stuff like that, but the governments and large companies are looking into ways around it and I'm not worrying too much yet.

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