
The gates at manchester arena?....?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know whereabouts the gates are at manchester evening news arena are where the band goes through? I'm planning on meeting Girls Aloud there, It can be done! People have met them before there.

I'll be coming through victoria station if you could give me directions from there that would be great.

Thanks In Advance x x x




  1. If you head out of Victoria to the taxi rank area at the front,take a right (Victoria Approach road)) and follow the road down to the main road (Victoria st) you will hit a set of traffic lights,take a right onto the main road and walk under the bridge staying on the right hand side-you will see a huge set of double gates to your right-those are the gates where all the fans congregate to meet/see bands performing.

    click on this link and zoom in to see where Victoria road/the approach is.

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